Lion King

Kevin Ware and Lion King
The Lion King characters as humans
The Lion King
Favorite part of The Lion King
King of Lions [dream and nightmare]
Nala meets a human. (TheGiantHamster) [The Lion King, Disney]
Yum (Lion King) (zp92)
Hyper penis Timon (Rubberskunktoo) [The Lion King]
Is This in the New Live Action Lion King?
Pregnant Simba and Mufasa (Littlewolf112) [The Lion King]
King Initiation [M Human -> M Lion][Mid-TF] by OtherWords
Kiara and Kovu (Malaika4) [The Lion King]
Tigers are actually the rightful kings of the jungle, but Lions were coronated instead
Pack of hyenas takes over a prides kill until the male lion returns and reminds them
King's Corruption (M Lion -> Goo/Latex Eye Monster) by lizardman
King of Lion's Cave.