
WTT: copper penny clone and onslaught clone with chuff cap for 6-12mg juice, married
[WTT/WTS] Toxic ToxicRoyal Straps
[WTS/WTT] L/M Chance Unflared in Natural
[WTS] [WTT] Medium Firm Nova
[WTT] [CONUS] Sz. 10 DS Jordan 1 Turbo Green or DS Jordan 6 Infrared 2019 for Sz.
WTS WTT Large Ika Firmness Soft
All the pretty bois together! WTT a few :)
[WTS/WTT](USA) S/M David w/ CT, M/M Nox
WTS/WTT Non-BD Toys :)
WTS/WTT Many dicks (mini - medium). 1 unopened cum lube. Full Album in comments.
[WTT/WTS] [USA] Fleshlight Extravaganza for Sale!!!
WTS/WTT Nova, Blaze, Tyv, Mystic all M/M and some others - details in comments!
[US] WTS/WTT many, many toys!! All info in Imgur album found in comments.
My GS Scylla is here (possibly WTT?)
WTS/WTT a few more BD and one NonBD sleeve...more info in comments.
[USA] WTS/WTT Bad Dragon & KuduVoodoo
[WTT] Strangeloves sz12 *Used & OG All*
WTT large blue David's sheath for med flint sheath
[WTT] M/M signature now with suction cup
WTT Buns giant glowy & rare trading post (GITD RR Chance)
[WTS/WTT] M/S Chance Flared
[WTT] OW AHE sz11 used & og all
WTT Flint Sheath Medium for Small