Feminized Men

Her idea of feminism when she's with the man she loves must obviously keep some differences
Honestly, ladies, sorry to tell this, but feminism is not sexy to men. Sex can only
Hardcore feminists know well their concept of feminism should not be exclusive of
All equality defenders prefer a Superior Man. So how do you get feminists destroying
Every feminist needs her daily dose of self-esteem, that will help her with her feminism.
When Men treated women like inferior beings forcibly and against women's will, feminism
After a heavy feminist reprogramming the internet revealed her feminism only applies
So this is modern feminism's big problem: feminists have learnt that, as feminists,
Another thing we owe to feminism is that women can enjoy sex as much as men, without
female jobs are always linked to Males. Inferior men will accept women to hold higher
Not all women dismiss feminism, only those ones who got deluded into the "gender
Gender equality defenders prefer Superior Men who think women are inferior. Those
Ancient feminists used to wonder: "how will the future women earn money thanks
The preference for Superior Men is the only thing the female brain can't be brainwashed
Thanks feminism, for providing the honor-saving concept of "empowerment"
feminists only play their pretended game of pride, haughtiness and feminism with
So, to a gender equality defender, whether it is honoring or dishonoring depends
MD feminists: remember that you can run your feminism against inferior men, but in
To a superior Man women simply are these pathetic worthless human-like cumdumps.
The input: superior Man's cum. The output: feminism against inferior men and in favor
Don't worry MD feminists, this subreddit doesn't intend to ruin feminism; there will
MD feminists, only use feminism to get respect and money from inferior men. But to
Some people consider this subreddit is anti-feminist. However this subreddit has
Shitting on feminism and on femaleness itself to superior Men's amusement, and showing
women only need feminism to interest inferior men and to get money and important
women are currently running two different campaigns on the internet. One aims to
So feminism basically comprises two fundamental female rights: 1) the sexual right
So MD feminists you should be grateful to this subreddit, cuz thanks to the understanding
So this is a subreddit that shows how do women behave with the superior Men they
feminists say feminism is real. But I say womyn's preference for superior Men is
Esteemed 1850s' feminists: take a look at a 2000s' feminist. No, she's not being
No, feminists, no: you can't have feminism if your way of making a living and earning
So yes, feminism has made a great change in the world: modern womyn submit to Men
feminists expect inferior men to understand wymyn's freedom to reject inferior men
So modern feminists are finally starting to understand why do they need feminism,
So, MD feminists, in order to subdue and be respected by inferior men, you may well
MD feminists: use feminism against inferior men, and use your female gender's inferiority
MD feminists: you are only cool according to how cool you are to the superior Men
So yes; consent is not enough. women have to beg Men for mistreatment. feminism can't
These two feminists completely agree that feminism is the radical notion that women
Whether this blog is fantasy or not is a conditional and relative matter. This blog
Here you have another Male supremacy-fighting superior Male-preferring feminist destroying
Apparently feminists don't respect the freedom of women that prefer polygynous Men.
No, MD feminists, sex workers aren't feminism's problem. What hinders male supremacy
MD feminists: feminism arose as a movement to liberate women from oppression and
Now that feminism is another oppressive system, can you guess what will be the first
No matter how oppressive feminism has become. Its first rule will be that women must
This subreddit makes both superior Men and inferior men love women, which is why
So when feminism defends female freedom it's keeping an ace up the sleeve: female
After being willingly mistreated by a superior Man like trash, a feminist will consider
women are not actual superior women pretending they're inferior to superior Men.
In short: women deny their inferiority to inferior men (=feminism) and they submit
Some feminists think I hate feminists, but it's actually feminists hating themselves
A superior Man doesn't need to pay for sex or force women into sex against women's
feminists say feminism is about gender right equality. This means women should have
women mouths' receive the semen, the spit and the urine from superior Men, and then
We funnily solved the gender equality vs freedom of choice contradiction as women
MD feminists: remember that dignity is not sexy to the superior men your female inferiority