Funny Joke

Only check out if you, you know, *really* like Greek mythology based jokes..(NSFW)
My friend uploaded a picture of Kim Jong Il and tagged a friend and I in it as a
Jimmy Carr's New "Most Offensive" Joke [NSFW Talk]
Apparently an inside joke
Math joke project for my 12 year old brother, am i doing it right?
I know there's a joke here. I just haven't thought of it yet.
These porn site ads have become more of internet-joke easter eggs... [NSFW]
Do you think this is only a joke? (Possibly NSFW)
This was my fraternity's joke shot for our yearbook. (Slightly NSFW)
We had a meeting recently discussing images for our bar/nightclub's promotional flyer...
When I drop the "Niggaaaaa" bomb as a joke and everyone is quietly offended
This is what she gets for reading Reddit's most NSFW joke thread.
Ewwww... Ewe must be joking.
This took me by surprise when i asked siri for a joke... (nsfw?)
Shit was jokes
I searched for "not NSFW" to begin making my own NSFW-tagged, shouldn't-be-marked-NSFW
Is Reddit playing a joke on me? (NSFW)
Dick Joke [NSFW]
My boyfriend tried to moon me as a joke. I think the woman on television was more
Does anyone get the joke? (From last week)
R/wtf tells a joke (slightly nsfw)
The most mature joke I've ever written.
FIFA Puke Jokes
Just ordered these plates from the DMV. Very few people have gotten the joke (NSFW)
i thought my gf was joking when she said she photoshopped her vagina
NSFW Gay Rudolph Joke
To the person who made the " no genitals" joke in reference to being like
Not even a joke. I'm totally serious
Google chrome/translate April fools joke
To make up for all the cruel April Fools jokes, here's a pic of a variety of great
One of my friends jokingly called the pancake breakfast were having a "Pancake
I made one comment on the "Most NSFW Thing at School" Askreddit post where
I'm sure there's a penis joke here some where.
My boyfriend painted his balls for my best friend. It was a joke, kinda. (NSFW?)
My Asian friend made a joke about how small her boobs were. Had to make what she
[NSFW] My girlfriend cracked a joke about this. Had to look it up.
My friend accidentally made an incest joke.. (nsfw)
My buddy started joking about grading blowjobs with a rubric and sent me this (NSFW)
I hate to laugh at my own jokes, but sometimes I can't resist.
NSFW. Want to hear a joke?
NSFW? Wife saw what I was trying to do and ran to get out of the picture. Now I'm
NSFW Valentine's Day BJ Joke
[NSFW] A Valentine's day card, meant as a joke, for a lesbian friend. Written on
Dick Jokes [OC]
Poorly timed Holocaust jokes.
This girl on Facebook sent this guy a thong mankini as a joke to see if he'll post
[NSFW?] "I've had enough of these Tree Fiddy Jokes, someone has to end it."
japan cockroach blow job show. Someone gets the joke. Possibly NSFW
Ask Reddit's Glorious "One Word Per Post, Make A Joke" Thread
Be careful today, the forecast is Widespread Gails (you may only get the joke if
When You're Reading Dark Jokes and You Find Out Another Sub Will Ban You.
My brother pulled this joke out of his ass at a party last summer, then recently
Well THAT joke was a piece of shit.
I drew a really stupid joke today [OC]
A Rugrats joke for the parents. One Down.
*THIS MIGHT BE THE ONLY EXCEPTION* my friend doesn't have the "/r/RoastMe"
Our local Craigslist (no joke)
Cause dick jokes... NSFW
(NSFW) Porn hubs April fools joke
My kind of dad joke