Gender Equality

I heard this place lacked gender equality?
Promoting gender equality at the NYC pride parade!
Promoting gender equality at the NYC pride parade!
promoting gender equality at the NYC pride parade!
promoting gender equality at the NYC ride parade!
Showing some gender equality at the NYC pride parade this year!!
So yes, the female brain is complete, because it holds universal falsehoods, such
When feminism states the rule of gender equality, it's not recognizing the female
feminism: a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing,
Not all women dismiss feminism, only those ones who got deluded into the "gender
That is: if gender equality defenders apply their freedom to be hypergamous and to
Yet two more hypergamous gender equality defenders. They apply feminism in the streets,
The only indecent and unforgivable thing a woman can do is accepting an inferior
Despite the fact of feminists attempting to further their demands of artificial gender
So it looks we need to make it clear: this subreddit is not disrespectful to women.
So you know why are gender equality defenders hypergamous? Because if they preferred
Superior Men, thanks to their superiority, can consider women are inferior worthless
So let's make things clear: am I against or in favor of gender equality? I'm absolutely
Agency is agency. And feminism does not respect female agency when it oppresses women
MD feminists, remember that the amusement and pleasure of the superior Man that mercifully
So, MD feminists, this subreddit is helping you and feminism alot, cause thanks to
People think Maledom is fantasy and role play. WRONG. You start to play role game
Modern feminists are starting to understand their place well; the same place that
Because gender equality is all about female freedom, isn't it? So we'll have to understand
feminists say feminism is about gender right equality. This means women should have
Finally, equality for my true gender
This is how a society achieves gender equality
Picture was about as straight as i am, so enjoy it with the cropped but easier on
When you are posting gender equality memes on r/feminism but you still aren't banned
The equality between genders
JustTGirls.com - Gender equality - Model: Amy Amoure - Photo 3
The touted 'equality' between genders leads to power struggles and strife more often