Me Spoilers

[SPOILER] This bothered me every time it appeared
Me + Rannoch + Ending (Spoilers)
[SPOILER] Bolin makes me lol
[Spoiler] This tweet from qualifying made me sad for some reason.
[SPOILER] Best moment of S9E2 so far for me
[Spoiler] This panel in issue 7 made me so happy.
(Spoiler) Don't get me wrong I was So happy to see her! But did anyone else light
[Spoiler] Just finished The Promise. This panel made me tear up
[SPOILERS] This answers the question: "Do you want me to put my dick out again!?"
[Spoilers] Asked the gf to draw Naruto for me. What do you think?
[Spoilers] Was looking at teasers for the next episode and, considering the synopsis,
Me again! Another dual-screen wallpaper! Possible spoilers from Episode 17
[SPOILER] This made me so sad in Final Crisis
[SPOILERS] Trigger you owe me a prescription for heart meds
[spoiler] Hannibal's plastic suit reminds me of something
[SPOILER] Please tell me I wasn't the only one bothered by this.
[SPOILER] This was probably the sweetest scene so far in book 3 for me.
[Spoilers] Crossover fanart by me inspired by the last chapter.
[Spoiler] Himawari drawings by me
(Spoilers) moment reminded me of Bret Hart
(Spoilers) There were a lot of intense things going on in this episode, but this
[spoiler?] Second of all, don't get an attitude with me.
[SPOILERS] First comic to make me cry in a long time. Bravo, Hickman. [FF #23]
[Spoilers] A touching moment? This line really confused me, but it was pretty sweet
[SPOILERS S02E19] Something Skye said to Raina just...inspired me.
[SPOILERS] After he gave up solving everything for his family. This was the hardest
[Spoilers] Damn, the Rock is pissing me off!
[Spoiler] The JW ending reminded me of something...
[SPOILER]Seeing something like this really makes me want the Fate route animated.
[SPOILERS] Dressrosa Luffy (ch.784 *hint*) "multiple" COLORED versions
[SPOILERS] That's all she wrote. Hold me Reddit.
[Spoilers S2E04] I don't know why, but this line cracked me up.
[SPOILER][S03E05] One minor costume detail that bugged me...
[SPOILERS]Lots of epic spreads in this issue, but this page got me. (Vader Down#1)
(Spoilers) Took me long enough. S3 E8 Synopsis: Everyone is a Traitor Part Infinity
[Spoilers] Me during the Civil War Trailer
Me going into 2016 [Spoilers]
[SPOILER] This scene from the new episode reminded me of this scene from Batman vs
[Spoilers] He got me so hyped that I couldn't resist...
[Spoilers] (DC Rebirth) No plans for a title yet as far as I know, but this panel
(SPOILERS) Civil War II: I can't decide if this is in character or out of character,
[SPOILERS] You gotta be fucking kidding me...
[Spoiler](Episode 8)Umm.....excuse me?
[Spoilers S02E10] - "Do you really want to say no to me?"
[SPOILERS] This panel really struck me. Everything about it invokes exactly the right
[Spoiler?] It made me incredibly happy to find a certain someone inside the Emerald
[SPOILERS]Catching up on Injustice, this panel made me chuckle.
[Spoilers Extended] My Dad made me a TWOW themed sweater for Christmas.
(Spoilers: The Boys) Me to my body hairs:
[Spoilers S4E4] For some reason this moment cracked me up