Nsfw Text --

Weird + Inappropriate Things I Say + Do [NSFW text]
So very, very sad [NSFW text]
Here is an ad seen on the sidebar of a porn site.  Anybody recognize her? [PIC] [NSFW
French friends learning English (true story) [nsfw text]
Reason for Emergency Visit: (NSFW text)
desperation. [NSFW] (text)
Why my friends will never experience Minecraft like me. (nsfw text)
The long battle... (NSFW text)
I will never understand straight sex (NSFW Text)
I spend more time on YouPorn than YouTube or 'how I came out to my mother' (NSFW
Oh I will Ranch Club, I will. [NSFW text]
Kormir in a nutshell [NSFW Text]
Posted a video of some boosters that resulted in two resets. Booster finds himself
Before Urban Dictionary, there was AMERICANA SEXUALIS, first printed in 1938 (NSFW
OoT, as told by 4chan (NSFW text)
If Porn has Taught us Anything...... (NSFW Text)
What an unfortunate light bulb to blow.. [NSFW Text]
Made me cringe like crazy! How does this happen? (x-post from r/wtf, sorry if it's
This may be the best comment thread I've ever seen. [NSFW Text]
Forever awkward [NSFW TEXT]
Dirty talk for amateurs (Arguably NSFW text)
I saw this call in the dispatch log the other night.[NSFW TEXT]
I'm eating everything in sight today for some reason.. [meme with nsfw text]
My married sex life, expressed through a Venn diagram and set theory. [NSFW text]
Sexually Bonkers #2.. Somehow I still don't think this is the last I'll hear from
Forgive me if this isn't the right place, new to all of this but...how would one
[Fulfilled Request] [NSFW Text] Parental Supervision Required [1240x775]
Couldn't sleep, had some scraps leftover to work with [NSFW text]
Avians just have it. (NSFW Text)
I think 4chan's got us figured out (NSFW text)
I understand wanting to RP. But really people? (Possibly NSFW text..?)
Good luck NE (nsfw text)
This is probably what e-mail spam would look like in an all-furry world. [NSFW text,
It is rare that I am taken off guard -- this took me right off guard. (nsfw text)
My wife made me this birthday cake [NSFW text]
CiCi the Arctic fox! Semi-NSFW... text, not picture.
The best way to deal with spambots (nsfw text)
You sly dog (potentially NSFW text)
The Final Frontier [nsfw text]
When your sleepy little makes a typo and it works anyways [somewhat nsfw text]
This seemed like it would fit in here. Actual NSFW text. X-Post from /r/4Chan
Youtubes automated closed caption makes the Muppets very vulgar (possibly NSFW, Text)
Eat A$$ (Slightly NSFW text)
Asking the real questions [NSFW text]
Visha sneaking into other subreddits (nsfw text?)
Texted this pic to the wrong person. Oops