Plan B

Plans for Friday night
Planning on bulking up a little between now and next summer... Wish me luck!
Planning on taking more this weekend :) I need some (f)reaking naughty suggestions!
planning her revenge xpost from annoyedtobenude
Plans for tonight.
Plans [f]ell through tonight, guess im left to play with myself;)
plans cancelled. Uber lonely in my undies. Light me up?
Plan to take pics of cream pie aborted... This feels way too good. Lips..
Planning to stay home for the weekend.
Plan Double D *spoilers*
Planning on heading to the gym. Let me know if anyone's interested in some post-workout
Planning on doing that big album next week, but I couldn't leave you guys hanging.
Planning the attack
Plans fell through for tonight...pms welcome
Planning on bringing a guy home [f]rom the club tonight
Planning a trip to America. What are some must-see places?
Planning a trip to the US be like...
Planning for tomorrow when...?
Planning to export my products to the Matriarchy
Planning a trip
Plan on using all of these condoms
Planning to groom soon. I’m not so sure where to start.
Plans for the weekend?
Plans fell thru... Naked couch time it is
Plans fell through, so night swims it is!
Planning for her sex dungeon
Plans for pessimistic returns
Planning a full nude shoot with this cosplay! Just gonna need to buy a lot more purple
Planning on cuming all day long. [F]
Planned obsolescence
Plans [f]ell through... now Im either gonna go get drunk and fuck someone or stay
Planning ahead
Planning The Next Roadtrip
Planning an attac
Planning on asking my SO to be my keyholder today, wish me luck.
Plans fell through. So here’s one more.
Plans flaked on me. Did the next best thing and fisted myself for over an hour.
Plans fell through, all alone
Planning for battle must be hard with heroines as distracting as this.
Planning ahead
Planned from the start
Planning my beach outfits for later this year ☀?
Planning to suck it dry
Plans for pumpkin
Plans for the evening
Plans change
Plans for Tonight