That's What I Thought

My [F]riend is a little insecure. I told her that I would let her know what the rest
After getting properly [f]itted recently, I thought I would let GW know that this
Probably not so risqué that it belongs here.. but [f]irst time poster and just wondered
This was the first pic that I ever thought I looked good in.  What do you think?
(nsfw) A surreal drawing made in graphite that I call Growth, I'm trying to make
Got put on all (f)ours in my school girl outfit. Thought you might like to see what
Nervous as hell to post, but happy enough with a 75lb weight loss that I thought
I saw this picture and my first thought goes to, "I wonder what was ever in
The next time we see Ryuko she is covered with a blanket. This means Satsuki-sama
Last one went well. Thought I might do one that compliments my user name. What do
My girlfriend came over and explained that this top may be inappropriate to wear
As a victim of kidnap she thought she was nervous. However, he explained that he
Quick! What's the {f}irst thought that comes to mind?
Saw that movie The Interview yesterday and thought the actress Diana Bang was hot
I'm so close to 10K karma!! Tell me what I need to do to reach that goal! PM me your
[SPOILERS] New Audi feature vid confirms what a lot of us thought about that city
Started a new job a few months ago, thought you all might like to see what rolls
(F)ollow up to yesterday, thought you'd like to see what's underneath that bra...
You guys lifted her spirits! Now her thought is "what if I was fully naked?
Quick, what's the (f)irst thought that comes to your mind when looking at my booty?
I was told that i had potential to become a bimbo. What are your thoughts?
Since my last artsy shading pic is doing so well, I thought I'd share another!!!
M22/128lbs/5'5" It's my first time posting here and it feels very refreshing
My parents wouldn't let me get this as a kid because they thought it would be better
Who would've ever thought that we'd have lewd Zeppelin airships? What a time to be
I thought that I'd post something [f]or you guys before I start my day. Just a little
My wife on vacation. We like to read what men think of her. What is the first thought
Just recently found the photo on the left. I had sent it to a girl about 3 yrs ago.
I’ve always thought that I have a bit of an odd (f)igure...??‍♀️ what do
M/23/5'4 [145lbs > 132.8lbs] ( 6 months) I weighed more before Just never
F42/5'6" /175 my earlier post was removed because it looked posed. I hope this
Kinky Fuckery.... I like that.... what are your thoughts?
Just thought that I would share what I have got with you all
Patience and proper timing are the key to convince a You Want Me To Do What? wife
I bet that when you woke up today, you probs thought, "Gee, I wonder what a
A hat in the bath, what are your thoughts on that?
A hat in the bath, what're your thoughts on that?
Axhat in the bath, what're your thoughts on that?
I feel like it's important for me to remember what angle/clothing/lighting can do.
Would you believe me if I told you that I cleaned my car like this? Because I did
27F 5'9" 160 lbs. What do you think? I have such a distorted body image that
I gained a little weight around my thighs and it makes me feel sexier. What are your
25M 6'5"/240lbs- Have gained some weight recently after starting back to school.
So now that christmas is over - back to some naughty thoughts... what do you think?
Woah, stay still, I see you. What are you doing down there? I thought I already finished
Let me know if this is not allowed on this reddit. But I thought you guys might like
"Ok, you caught me. I thought no one I knew will be at this fancy orgy. But
[M] 27, 182 cm, 75 kg (6'0'', 165 lbs). My balls are relatively big and I am afraid