
Being fat on them could be a worst thing
A lion recognizes his dad, the Lion Whisperer
[self] Self-destruct 2B(ooty) by Adia Cosplay
Class advantages in FGO with Olga Marie!
Freak the kids out
Ozzy vs Forneus
Uh oh
Sky/sea texture swap
Do Not Attempt
Soul Caliber 2 is a gift
Priceless scene missing from Fate/Zero
Referee got so HYPED! ??
get down mr. glass
I was complaining to my friend about lack of Russian servants. As an answer he sent
Early mornings are so peaceful
Animators were to lazy to create different animations
We're in the endgame now.
Left picture or right picture? We'll find out in 2 weeks.
That's what friends are for
me irl
A lot can happen over coffee
He deserves to be with them
Murdered by poetry
The purest of pure
That's too cruel!
Catholic Church council or Dark Souls boss fight?
*Confusion Noises*
Plot twist that was just another costume
Goblin Slayer (by りぎたか)
For Honor memes need to rise up
Microsoft, Please bring Jedi Outcast next to Xbox One (since it won't even play on
The bravest pug I've ever seen
The real facts
Outstanding move
Sucking Dick
I’d do the same
Piscis, Guardians of the Treasure
"The shaman behind the gas-station said they were super rare bro"
Angelic touch
You gotta do what you gotta do..
Rider? I hardly know her! [Fate]
Rule of thumb
Non existent
Pizza time
What a cute fish!
Kaguya is hungry
I miss her...
Breaking the fourth wall with class.
Anybody else's favorite installment?
This is beyond Science
Nobu's waiting eagerly for Master's first move
RIP in peace gam gam
bruh moment
Best things in life are free
That's how ara ara works
With Minecraft gaining popularity again, I thought I'd make a visual guide to all
A well balanced individual
Anybody else feeling this?