
Interesting choice, CNN.
"So, do you still wanna watch Wolf Blitzer on CNN?"
[Request] CNN's Jessica Yellin
Brooke Baldwin and Alison Kosik (CNN) Mmmmmm
Frequency of use of the word "boner" on CNN over time [NSFW]
Obese lady in an electric wheelchair, with an obama sticker, watching the treyvon
I found one of us on CNN.com
Nice headline, CNN!
I took this screenshot of the top US "news headlines" (loose term here)
all my CNN comments need moderation but this gets through? [auto-x-post - OP was
I thought this x-post from r/facepalm was relevant. CNN's "top stories."
[NSFW] Malaysian Airlines MH370 found! Shocking photo's. - CNN.com
I don't normally watch the news.. but the new CNN caster caught my eye! Michaela
Finally, something worth seeing on CNN.
Still my favorite CNN headline
Miss Argentina 2015 Valentina Ferrer National Costume; no underwear posted on CNN
Just below average according to CNN...
Really CNN?
The CNN helicopter coverage got pretty close as one of the San Bernardino shooters
Currently on CNN...
New here, but I found this cruising CNN's homepage today and couldn't think of a
I see CNN is trying to get down "WIT" the black readers concerning the
Erin Burnett of CNN
No kidding, CNN says y'all are peaceful
(nsfw) CNN's news...
NSFW- That's CNN for ya!!!!!!!
u/HanAssholeSolo apologizing to CNN for his gif
PEPE!! Brown MOAB Incoming! So long FAKE NEWS CNN!!
At cnn...
Putting CNN glasses on
Go onto the comment section of any CNN article if you don't believe me
Did CNN go too far with this one?
NSFW. CNN is a bunch of c*nts, so let's make this their logo. Anyone with photoshop?
Tune in to CNN for the exciting series finale!
I get banned from a sub for saying CNN is biased, call the mod a pussy, get muted,
How many producers at CNN do you think have fucked Alisyn Camerota?
Another CNN hottie, Kate Bolduan.
The beauties of CNN - Amara Walker