
I don't know about you guys but I REALLY enjoyed this parallel (Ch 618)
In a parallel universe [NGE]
Nothing fancy, 24g nichrome paralleled to 24g kanthal. 7 wraps with a 2.5mm inner
Dual Parallel ribbon clapton 24g/0.5 ribbon wrap. 0.1 ohm
Quad strand twisted (28g) flattened 4 wrap parallel at .1ohms
The Dragonball Z parallels are just piling up
[UBW Anime Spoilers] Parallels? (hopefully I'm not too late with this)
Dual 23g claptoned with 34g and parallel with 26g. 7/64" ID .18ohms.
First try at parallel coils, got it down to 0.09
Michigan's 45th parallel grows great grapes and boobs
Build night. (A bit sloppy) Helix Clapton parallel?
[NSFW]26/36g fused clapton parallel to 2x28g twisted all N80
[NSFW] Staged Heating Parallel Clapton 0.1Ω, 24g/32g/23g KA1
Nsfw .1 ohms staged heating clapton 4 wraps 2.4 mm diameter 24 ga core 28 ga outer
[NSFW] 26g n80 core 30g ka1 claptoned with 26g n80 30g ka1 parallel .12Ω
Basic builds seem to be hot. 6 wraps 22g ni80 staged with 5 wraps parallel 26g ka1.
Massive Alien, 22g cores/30g claps KA-1 at .09 ohms. Bonus coil I call the winch
Decided to switch it up a little. Excuse the fact that it's a wee ugly. (Single 2
debbie harry photos from parallel lines
Playing with Kanthal and Nichrome. 2x28ga n80, 8x.4mm A1, wrapped in 36ga A1&n80,
[NSFW] Used and Abused -- 32gg/24gg Clapton Parallel with Twisted 26gg
Color at last! Parallel 24g twisted, 26g 316L loose fused .06Ω
A cool Netero parallel
Not perfect. Still working on perfecting the staggered. Staggered fused, paralleled
Silent Magician vs Parallel Twister [Yu-Gi-Oh]
[Fan Art] Parallels
15 ply Staples parallel Defiant Wire. 0.04 ohm (nsfw)
First try at a parallel w/ clapton
Meanwhile, in a parallel timeline...
Lots of Parallels
Star wars a parallel universe
Somewhere...in a parallel Dolcett Universe...
A friendly reminder to be silent with wedges and never go past parallel.
lurking in a parallel universe
So, I tried to explain to this lady that I've found myself in a parallel universe
Demi Lovato & Kim Kardashian: parallel with green bikini.
Madison Kocian on the parallel bars
The black Idol emerges as a silver lining in a dust cloud of death Eerie parallel
Trans racial salman, plot leak from a movie ?by nolan, parallel universes collide(you’re