
Shot-by-shot comparison of MLP and SW[spoiler ending scene]
28/f 5'5, SW 178 / CW 152 / GW 130 ~8 weeks doing IF (more in comments)
F/23/5'10 [155>137=18lbs lost!] 8 weeks difference! Had a hard time finding
Two month progress! F sw: 245.5 CW:224 GW:160
Update! F 22 sw:245.5 CW:218.5 GW:150
[Pic, NSFW Bathing Suit] F/5'1/22, SW:165, CW:142. Doing keto for about 3 months
my progress so far, just under 6 months. 340 sw to 221 cw.
Asajj Ventress [SW:TCW] by KathTea Katastrophe
F/18/5'1 SW:145ish CW:115 (new) GW:105! 6 months progress = 30 pounds!!
F/23 SW:205>CW:180>GW:130 [25 lbs lost] Haven't been losing quite as
Possible NSFW. SW:220lbs CW:213lbs GW:140lbs. I've been tracking EVERYTHING I eat,
F/24/5'9' [250 SW > 199 CW = 51] (1.5 years) Lost my back rolls/finally got
F/26/5'4" - SW: 205, CW: 165, GW: 130 Couldn't believe the difference after
F/18/5'4" [SW: 278] [CW: 210] [GW: 160] (6 months) [NSFW: Underwear shots]
My friend is the uncanny doppelgänger for SW:TFA actor Domhnall Gleeson (General
F/29/5'2, SW 244, CW 170=74lbs lost. Ive been at a plateau for too long, here's to
Was made fun of on GW for my "beer gut" this week, but idgaf bc check out
This was really weird SW place, with way too many single males... I [F]barely survived
Oleana and Bea (DrAltruist)[Pokemon Sw&Sh]
Gloria pokemon sw/sh
Servicing Her Majesty (GTS, SW, lesbian)
Twili of the Wild - Imp TF [F Hylian -> F Twili Imp Post-TF; Shrinking Woman/SW]
My daughter weight just under 10 lbs and absolutely wrecked my body. First picture
She Doesn't Fit in Her Own Pants, But There's Room in His... (SW, shrink out of clothes,
Nijn Shortstacked [Shortstack Bunnygirl TF; Body Modification; Shrinking Woman Fetish/SW]
4 month progress pics. F30 163cm (5'4) SW 93.7kgs (206.5 lbs) CW 86.9kgs (191.5 lbs)
A Little Darkness is a Good Thing (SW, shrink out of clothes, ENF, fanart)
34f, 157. 4 cm, SW 68kg CW 58kg GW 53kg. 2 June 2019 - 5 July 2020. So happy with
Milestone: under 100 Kilos seems worth celebrating. (Lbs) SW: 290+ CW: 218 GW: sub-200.
Decided enough was enough in December. You are all an inspiration, thank you. SW:
M/25/6’0 SW:310 CW:255 GW:195 I left the military with PTSD last August and packed
Face Gains: 47M, 6’0”. SW: 205.8 | CW: 186.4 | GW: 165. Started 16:8 last week
Progress Update! 27F 5'2" SW 285 CW 282 GW 130. I don't see a difference yet
3 months! never going back.. SW: 155, CW: 123, GW: 118
F/35 SW:150 CW:121 GW:115 I had a kindey transplant in Aug '19. With Predisone its
Still no major visual change but it's time for an update picture anyway! 2 weeks
18:6 SW 285 CW 210 GW 175. I'm getting soooo close to ONEderland!!
Outside circumstances have made this week hard. I haven't fallen off but I'm struggling
Lost 40 lbs in 12 weeks! 35M 5’9” 4:3 ADF SW: 263 CW: 223 GW: 165
F(38) 175lbs April 28th SW 137lbs August 29th CW. GW is 125lbs.
The Smaller She Gets, the Bigger THEY Get (SW, BE, huge boobs, lesbian, shrinking,
They Didn't Shrink With Her! (SW, BE, uneven shrinking, lesbian, immobile, huge boobs,
Little Pets for Big Ladies (SM, SW, human pet)
Shrinking Feedback Loop (SW, micro, pleasure, handheld)
It's finally working! I'm 20 lbs down since December 2019 doing 16:8. SW: 190 lbs
1st post. Face gains Dec 2018 - Oct 2020 SW:242 CW:182
Snuggled Up (& Shrunken Down) On the Couch (SW, shrinking out of clothes,
Liz Mike and Kim's Mom(treedeeerotica)[The SW The Masseuse]
Sam Fatima and Saanvi(treedeeerotica)[The SW The Masseuse] Details in Comments
Was feeling down since I didn’t lose this/last week. I checked out my measurements