Wtf Is This Thing?

This is the most sickening, inhumane and disgusting thing I've ever seen someone
This is why we can't have nice things
so apparently this is s thing!! wtf!
This picture of my friend cliff diving in Hawaii is kind of the best thing ever.
A buddy of mine is a performer and an artist. Here is some of his stuff. Most of
I dissected a pregnant roadkill deer. This is one of the babies, poor things were
Yesterday, this thing asked me for a donation, pulled a Bluetooth mic out of somewhere
I think this is the most disturbing thing I have ever read. Transcript from the Toy-Box
Can anyone tell me wtf is up with this poop? It's shedding? White thing? Am I dying?
I didn’t know this was a thing supposedly civilised people do at home, wtf is wrong
Not Lego skeleton fence post...I was taking an LS pic, then saw this thing buried