
Anon eats some peanuts
Anon has a baby.
Anon is an awkward Wyoming boy [NSFW]
Anon plays a joke on his friend
Anon is suspicious
Anon has pregnancy problems
Anon makes a troubling discovery
Anon takes a prostitute home
Anon has a choice
Anon needs "alpha" advice
Anon recognizes pussy from picture
Anon has a shitty night
Anon can't find his fleshlight
Anon has to piss
Anon has a cheating wife
Anon catches a Pedo
Anon gets to watch porn with his mother
Anon has a choice [NSFW]
Anon gives OP baby-naming advice.
Anon delivers a pizza.
Anon has a prostitute
Anon is a literal genius
Anon designs a hideout, memebers of /b/ help out with the design (images from thread
Anon gets fucked by his sister...
Anon is a genius
Anon's thumb is swollen
Anon murders someone.
Anon wants spooky pictures photoshopped into the background of a picture of his daughter
Anon's business idea
Anon brings a girl home (NSFW)
Anon gives sound sex advice
Anon seeks medical advice NSFW
Anon's explaination for why /b/ is full of trap porn
Anon can't find a term for his fetish.
Anon demonstrates how to properly grip a pencil
Anon makes a vibrator
Anon solves OP's major problem
anon posts a picture of his ass
Anon has to make a bomb threat (Updated) (NSFW)
Anons shows of his dick.
Anon makes a porn thread
Anon gets married
Anon's roommate steals his stuff
Anon Sleeps with Teacher
Anon brings his Switch with him sometimes
Anon experiences a first at a massage parlor
Anon is gay
Anon has a sex slave
Anon has a question
Anon makes Muhammad Sex Simulator
Anon has too much sack
Anon scoots
anon is cunning, also I've seen this before