
le plot twist: Carl Sagan faked his death and ran away to S[weed]en to escape the
He started off by saying there was an autistic kid at his house....
My blind autistic friend painted this for me the other day
[SERIOUS][FIXED]Guys, check out this gem from the 90s I found while cleaning my gay
(x/post from r/wtf) My autistic friend sent me this picture from an accident she
My 10 year old autistic obese-and-proud daughter's attempt at Bob "Unidan"
My gay autistic grandma passed away tomorrow after being infected with Ebola found
My autistic brother googled the Fergusson Police Chief. This is what we got.
My gay autistic son drew this for my karm.. I mean for show and tell and he didn't
My autistic son had ebola, so I made him this costume!
I am autistic rape survivalist Neil Degrasse Bison! AMA NSFW
My autistic, atheist, propane selling brother needs surgery. His doctors won't surgery
my retarded gay autistic black oppressed old fucking bitch grandma made this, her
My semi-autistic upvote-kin gay lesbian dad painted this shitty_watercolour of Scarlett
My wife left me for a man she met online on the other side of le interwebs causing
OC PLEASE DO NOT STEAL my gay autistic newphew who smokes weed and makes dank memes
Reddit help! Isis has kidnapped my gay, autistic and homophobic younger brother.
Anti-aliasing: who needs it? —Autistic IT Guy
My severely autistic brother actually signed my birthday card. He doesn't use dank
IAmA Alan Turing, a gay autistic ER Doctor who literally defeated Hitler. AMA.
TIL Donald "Chump" Trump was an Applebee's manager and never paid his autistic
[NSFW] My gay, autistic, weed smoking, atheist uncle found this gem his Uber driver's
My autistic brother died last week - all he wanted was to be internet famous. Make
This kid in a group of friends I'm in is autistic. This is how we treat him.
:3 Mr.Figgs & I taking an selfie together!! :33 21 Year old disabled Autistic
I wish I had a creative title, but I'm just posting this to calm down all the autists
My autistic son draws a lot of this. When I ask him what it is, he says it's "something
Stay away from the autistics
When the autistic kid in your class starts rambling about his life, then he brings
I wish a happy life to all you autists
My 11 year old autistic son cosplaying as his favourite batman villain bane at comic
[Classic] How I taught an autistic fagget not to mess with me
[Fanart] Hi Dojo, here's something my autistic son drew. It's a picture of Judy,
Dirty slut Citigroup trying to invade and take them thangs. Requesting autistic backup.
Hey Reddit! My autistic son just graduated college! Can Reddit show him some love?
Holy shit, what a bunch of autists.
19[M] Fit, autistic,virgin (OC) my verification picture
Fit and autistic :)
19(M) Fit, sweet, autistic, virgin do you think I'm hot?
19 fit autistic virgin enjoying Sunday :)
19 autistic anc fit but feeling lonely :(
19 Fit autistic virgin loving my kitty ears purrrr (Face reveal)
LEAKED: Messi has been CLONED???? Is this what this magisterial tax evading tattooed
Any Straya cunts here? We don't have access to Robinhood but I can still be an autist
TIFU redditors. I just saw a porno of my mom (Happy mom's day) being drilled by some
Just honest opinions for this autistic phallus