
I found this on the back of the rules.
CAH's response when I chose to pay $0 for the expansion
My friends are disturbed.
A disturbing plot twist indeed...
I thought my friend'a haiku was really something
My favorite custom card
We were all already going to Hell at this point.
OMG we're going to hell. Sorry Nelson Mandela. Can't even believe it happened.
Note on the UK edition instructions...
Playing online, when suddenly...
So this just happened...(x-post r/funny)
It finally happened.
My wife is going to hell.
Rando Cardissian wins again!
That would be very helpful!
best one from last night's tournement
Needless to say, this won the round.
So that happened...
We had just found the secret card earlier that night, and then this happened...
It means no worries for the rest of your days
Played this one the other night.
Better hide the evidence
I believe that sloths are evil and conserving their energy to take over the world.
Valentine's Day CAH for my wife
How did I not win this round?
Girlfriend got me Crabs Adjust for our 4th anniversary, we got this in the box.
American Sniper, eat your heart out.
My Native American friend drew the black card...I won
It's a custom card, but my god this broke us.
My hyper religious grandma on Easter played this combo
Technically correct: the best kind of correct
Classic rando
My Jewish friend played her first game of Cards Against Humanity.
Sounds about right
I shot CAH an email the other day.
Found this on Twitter. Thought it would be appreciated here
The game got real fuckin' real tonight
On any other day this wouldn't be funny...
The only appropriate time to ever reference the Twilight Saga
My friend has such luck...
This game just got depressingly real
Played this during a game with my family over Christmas. My mother wasn't amused.
maury is stooping to new lows
I feel like sometimes this game gets too real
won a round of slippery slope - Canadian version
Dad wins again...
From tonight's game... The math checks out...
Too soon...
I wrote this black card MONTHS ago. It finally got played and my mom nailed it
A Really hard choice.
Beep boop.
CAH was prophetic...
Good advice, delivered too late
I got Grandma to play a single round at Thanksgiving dinner tonight.
I'm one of the hundred.
How to Lose Friends
My friend made a very open ended black card
Played with friends...this one seemed kind of accurate