
cause i (f)eel like it?
'Cause we [f]ind our selves in the same ole mess, singing drunken lullabies.
Cause the music makes me [F]eel good.
Cause for Tiger Woods' enthusiam
cause showing off gets me wet [f]
Cause I'm a classy bitch
Cause new lingerie, that's why. [f]
Cause it's the... DANK.
'cause I'm doing just [f]ine, hour to hour, note to note
Cause of Death: Drowning
'Cause every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man
Cause I can!!!! [f]
'Cause I can. (F)
Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it.
Causing sis regret
Cause if you wanna go again you can always call me
Cause --> Effect
Cause its funny...
Cause and effect
Cause I'm cold as ice...
Cause it's like you're my mirror...
'Cause since I've come on home, Well my body's been a mess. Won't you come on over?
Cause (f)riday night football turns me on
Cause and Erect
Cause it's cold and it's dark and the wind is a whistlin'
'Cause i had some issues, i wont commit, No, im not having it... Yea I'll be good
Cause thunderstorms turn me on (f)
Cause boobs are (f)un
'Cause I'm your (f)avorite subject; Your sweet submissive subject
‘Cause there’s little else to do
Cause who wouldn't want this on your body forever?
Causes paranormal activity
‘Cause it’s feasible
‘Cause you know I’d walk a thousand miles if I could just see you tonight
causing a distraction
’Cause it hurts
Cause why not
cause my last post got buried [f].. would you cum in me? ?
Cause you guys seemed to like my last post
Causing a work stoppage
Cause of death has been determined, time for some fun
Cause i know some of you are into tummy :3
Causing Problems
Cause who wouldn't wanna see titties and a kitty at the same time?
Caused by thinking about a MFM threesome