I <3 Doctor Who

In honor o[f] Doctor Who premiere, the object that receives the most votes goes inside
My ladyfriend told me that you guys might appreciate this, especially if you're a
Any doctor who fans?
Karen Gillan - Just started Doctor Who season 5 tonight and I am in love with this
Watching Doctor Who on the [f]loor, want to join?
any doctor who [f]ans on here?
Anyone want to come watch doctor who with me?
The official Doctor Who FB group seem to get it...
[F]our days until Doctor Who!
[F] Well, what else are you supposed to do until Doctor Who comes on?
For my [f]ellow Doctor Who lovers
(f) I thought about not coming back tonight, but then I was up watching Doctor Who
Alex Kingston (Doctor Who, ER) (AIC)
[Found] Doctor Who fan
Because life is short and you are hot. More Doctor Who! (f)
BORED. Displaying my Doctor Who Swag and then nudity happened. Pretty innocent to
Jenna-Louise Coleman from Doctor Who
GodsGirls celebrates Doctor Who's 50th!
Anyone else a Doctor Who [F]an besides me?
Geronimo! Doctor Who drop. [x-post from /r/GW]
[pic] Bet this guy isn’t the only eye doctor who lets big-titted patients pay their
Can't wait for Doctor Who!
Sorry for the Doctor Who ref, but it's all I thought about watching these two.
Peekaboo Doctor Who
Anyone else excited [f]or the new Doctor Who episode tomorrow?
All I could think of during the most recent episode of Doctor Who.
[f] Quit my job. Should I continue Doctor Who or rewatch Supernatural?
Do we have any doctor who [f]ans?
Freema Agyeman (Martha Jones from Doctor Who) in Sense8
Companions of the Hour: Barbara Wright, Zoe Heriot, Jo Grant, Leela of the Sevateem,
Found this while searching for Doctor Who tattoos
I just became interested in classic Doctor Who
Karen Gillan in Doctor Who
For the Doctor Who fans. ;)
[M]e in my Doctor Who pjs, PMs welcome :)
Clara Oswald spreading herself in bed (Sassafras) [Doctor Who]
Last night's "Doctor Who and GWC" outfit.
Watching Doctor Who and felt a bit like sharing
Any of you [F]ans of Doctor Who?
Skin Diamond as sexy Doctor Who
Can you tell the Van Gogh episode of Doctor Who is my [F]avorite?
Wanna watch Doctor Who or hang in my library?
I know this is blasphemous to some, but the problem I have with "classic"
Clara Oswald - Doctor Who - [AmelodyJArt]
Clara Oswald - (Doctor Who) - [AmelodyJArt]