
How (my) gay relationships work [NSFW] F7U12
Self Fulfilling Prophecy...
Cpt. Picard for LGBT rights. On TV.
How I imagine coming out to asian parents would go.
My parents on the Shorter University drama (Homophobe alert)
Homophobic Chat Bot [nsfw]
My gay friends's Facebook was hacked - i can't believe there are still people like
Couples pic, or, A Story of Courting
My birthday present or: Why I love my boyfriend (sorta nsfw)
Just a couple of gay naked guys hugging in the ocean.
Did I stutter? NSFW
Came across a great argument on my Facebook news feed today. (kind of NSFW)
Trans love life, the truth 'comes out'
Today some girl said to me "You have such gay hair!", and this is what
What my friend said when we were discussing his pansexuality.
Tried posting this ironical meme in lgbt.. met with disapproval and kicked off a
What does LGBT think of [m]y cock?
[TW][NSFW] I. Can't. Even....I captured these screenshots before it was deleted....
Having an innocent discussion on the nature of sexuality when suddenly... This guy.
Get over it.
A local Facebook page from my hometown that likes to call itself a news source.
[MASSIVE SPOILERS] I am all pro to the LGBT community, and the innocence of this
Saving this for later. I am really into LGBT stuff.
Some pics from Pride in St. Louis! (NSFW)
Hey there, /r/ainbow. Colby Keller likes you.
As of today, the majority of Americans live in marriage equality states
"what would u do if this was ur son"
GOP Rep. Mike Honda comes out in favor of trans rights because of his trans granddaughter
RIP to all the LGBT folk so barbarously persecuted by ISIS
Dragon Ball LGBT.
Worldstar on violence in the LGBT community
When the lgbt community hears that the chances of Trump being impeached is growing
[For Hire] Semi-realistic Digital drawings [NSFW,Gore,LGBT,Half-robots,Half-animals,Nature]
Another reason why we still need Pride Month. The fight against bigotry is not over!
Is it just my own experience or are lgbt groups toxic?
Is it just my own experience or are lgbt groups toxic?
Proud Cis Hetero LGBT+ Ally Here! Here’s MY Look For Pride! Love is Love!
Three years ago I stared into the mirror at a flabby ‘old man’ without hope.
Me and my first ever boyfriend/soon to be husband did some modelling work together
Thanks, I hate LGBT Lenny
My boyfriend exploring his gender identity for the first time. Isn’t he pretty?
White Panties Purple Hair, Purple Panties White Hair. Together a pair. #LGBT Pride