
MMC after woman loses leg, man loses head, after moto/train wreck!!!
MMC after I disobey cartel orders
MMC after my truck crashes into Russian monument
MMC after I jump to the side of an escalator and get electrocuted
MMC after LAPD shoot me and my hostage taker
MMC after I let this duckling swim
MMC after a wild boar attacks me in China
MMC after the ferry takes off while I'm boarding
MMC after a police car runs me into a ditch in Romania
MMC after I stand close to a tire filling station
MMC after I get hit by an unsecured tailgate while leaving my car
MMC after we climb a banana tree in a flash flood
MMC after I stand in front of a concrete mixer
MMC after we get run over and dragged by a truck
MMC after I'm electrocuted by a live power cable on the ground while washing my motorcycle
MMC after we get bombed in Syria
MMC after I get ejected in an accident
MMC after my car gets crunched by a truck
MMC after I have to be scraped off the street
MMC after I jump off a bridge
MMC after I'm stabbed and get my neck sliced
MMC after I grab a policewoman's gun and her partner shoots me.
MMC after I smash into the ground while skydiving
MMC after my car explodes
MMC after I attend a car show
MMC after we get executed in the street in broad daylight
MMC After i get shot multiple times
MMC After my head gets crushed after a giant load falls on it while unloading
MMC after I get attacked by a bull
MMC after I jump off a bridge
MMC After we get into a brutal road accident
MMC after I get executed by a gang
MMC after my car suddenly ignites
MMC after I get a sudden heart attack
MMC after I lost my head on the train tracks
MMC after I got cut in half in an accident
MMC after I get hit by a forklift
MMC after I try stealing cable
MMC after we get necklaced
MMC after I got drunk and jumped in a lake
MMC after my car gets wrapped around a pole
MMC after our bus gets rear-ended into a truck
MMC after I get beaten to death with a crowbar
MMC after I got a knife stuck in my chest
MMC after I get crushed by a massive piece of metal
MMC after I run off a cliff
MMC after I jump off a building
MMC after I shoot two security guards and then myself
MMC after I get torn in half after being struck by a racing car
MMC after I run around with a knife in front of the police
MMC after my partner shoots me in the head after an argument