
Not sure if bad american boob job, or just peasant graphics....
GabeN's Truth is Eternal
"Consoles are better for third person games because of controllers"[NSFP]
Stupid Sexy Gabe
I will give thanks to Thee, O LORD GABEN, with all my heart, and will glorify Thy
Even the master race acknowledges this is the best console ever made.
MRW My Just Built PC Starts Up
Friend of mine bought an Xbox One at launch, which broke down the second time he
He's right guys, PC is not a game console. I think I just lost an argument with a
True members of the masterrace shall never be distracted from their love of GabeN.
Stolen from Facebook but oh so true
[NSFW] Heathen "Father" Defaces Shrine to GabeN
Even Lady Gaga is part of the Master Race - NSFW
The peasants have cursed our baby! NSFL
Console peasants can really be disillusion.
[NSFW] Nvidia is love, Nvidia is life
Sid, you make great games, but sometimes I think you're a narcissist.
His milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
not much, just four titans [NSFW] [porn]
Friend now has a broken PC (NSFL)
[NSFW] /b knows whats up
Browsing Craigslist for computers when...
My laptop lost its virginity today
New PlayStation 4 Controller revealed - Sony make.believe
One important reason, why PCs are better then consoles!
Next level peasantry
You see an uncoordinated nerd. I see a tech ninja.
New Mini-ITX Gaming LAN Machine - 4670K, GTX 970, Plextor SSD, Asrock MOBO, Liquid
My thoughts on peasantry uniting to stop ddos attacks
[Hitman:Absolution] Whats going on in there? I thought I killed you two.
Game over guys, Pornhub app to utilize the maximum graphical capability of the consoles.
Nude catfight mods? On PC we can have that.
After so many great years, this GIF might be relevant again.
[NSFW] GTA V was worth the wait. Can't do this on console!
The Witcher 3 in 1440p, everything is on Ultra except foliage distance which is on
Why Proofreading is important.
Didn't expect to find brothers here...
Should I marry her? I think I should marry her [NSFW]
Porn sets unrealistic expectations (nsfw)
PSA : DO buy Oculus Rift if you support viewing things privately without your family
So uh, linux master race?
I'm celebrating Labor Day properly.
I always wanted ddr5 ram
Uh... kinda busy here, Comcast...
The newest addition to my battlestation: Acer X34 Predator
Anyone know what case her PC has?
Not what i was expecting. NSFW
PCMR in a nutshell..
Posted a comment on this guys F/S thread on FB advising him his price was more than
Thanks Steam, you know me so well.
Skyrim platform comparison
I was cleaning my room, and decided to clean my keyboard as well, so here are some
went for the OC but OD'd instead
I guess I'm not using that USB 3 port any more
Technology surely is amazing