Penis Sizes

Some research suggests that being constantly exposed to the big penises in porn may
I've always been self conscious of penis size CAW welcome
Women's Penis Size Preference (a man's opinion)
Self conscious about penis size, please be honest. 18/m/289/6'7"
Size Comparison
Some Whispers about penis size #2
Some Whispers about penis size #3
Some Whispers on penis size #7
Some Whispers on penis size #12
Some Whispers on penis size #29
SFW Penis size chart
Lost about 30 pounds but have always been self conscious about my penis size.
[22M/205/6’0] Sharing a nude for the first time ever! I welcome any feedback about
Sizing up to a louisville slugger
I have lost 10lbs, self conscious about hair, penis size and weight
48M (6'2" 317lbs) I have always been self conscious of my body and penis size.
Reminder: The left side is considered not satisfying. It is average. The right side
19 I struggle with penis size insecurities, am I small?
There is probably a penis size joke here somewhere.
M19/137/5' 1 I know my body isn't something that will impress women, but I'm trying
Size comparison
Size alright? Comment or pm
M/29/250ish I've always been self conscious about my nipples and flaccid penis size.
Size included
calcSD Penis Size Comparison, VOB in top <1% in erection volume
M/31/230/5'8 On the bigger side, but trying to lose weight. Always wonder if my penis