That's What I Thought

I wouldn't have thought that the fields of equine fellatio and quantum physics overlap,
It's been a long ti[M]e since I was single, now that I am I wanted to see what the
Sent it to a friend that liked it, so I thought why not see what you ladies think
I'm 123Ib and 5'7". A friend suggested that I need to start working out for
Well, I'm feeling down on myself so I thought this would help...I know that's dumb
After last night's carnal antics, we collapsed and watched television. He thought
A baby fly that landed on my phone today, was cute. My mom wanted see one after I
Been a while since I posted a pic with cum, so I thought I would do just that? Please
The moderator thought my last pics were misleading and that I wasn't passable. What
Just bought a new house so I thought what better way to celebrate than taking a pic.
From the thumbnail, I thought, "What's that guy balancing on his nose?"
C'mon the color of those shoes with that t-shirt? What's your thoughts let's talk
Old photo that I thought I'd share, what do you think? (F)
I don't know what would 1850s' feminists have thought if they knew that modern feminists
I'm so grateful for your enjoyment and didn't expect you to think I looked that good.
Hubby's Busy Tonight, thought I'd post in his place and check out all the sexy ladies
Sis used to tease that she would barf when she thought about me. I asked what she
Daredevil Reborn: What are your thoughts? I'd say it's ok (not great but not bad
24, 6'2", 175 lbs. Been posting to a few more risqué subreddits, but I'm not
Be(f)ore me, onyl my girlfriend's mom has seen her pussy and told her that it's ugly.
I thought that my girl's verification pic would belong here as well. What do you
You’ve probably never thought about what it’s like to fuck me when my ass is
Not that big but it’s all I got. What are your thoughts?
[22] I was told that I need to be circumcised... What are your thoughts? ?
I like art that is thought provoking. What do you think of this?
As I recall I know you love to show off, but I never thought that you would take
20 years old. That's a soda can underneath. What's your thoughts?
Ok im kinda drunk, but I gotta tell so9mebody... I thought about what it would be
The guy that took this said my tits were useless. What are your thoughts?
Just now, what is it that you thought?
Any ladies that go through this sub? What are your thoughts? PM's welcomed
[F] I've always thought that I have a good pair, what do you all think?
(19m) never thought my dick was that special, curious what y'all think.
A hat in the bath, what's your thoughts on that?
A hat in the bath, what're your thoughts on that?
A hat in the bath, what're your thoughts on that?
When my sister told me that our mom had signed us up for a special test study, i
Women always tell me that my PREcum load is "abnormally large". So, I thought
This poor girl thought I was training her to replace me after I retired. But she
I got kind responses from you last time, so I thought I post another one :) [M] 27,