Why Is This???

Why is this so hard for people to understand? (NSFW or Straight Guys)
Why is this not on the front page yet? [NSFW]
Why is this girl running around naked at the party?(NSFW)ish.
why is this a language? (maybe NSFW)
Why is this woman naked in every late night movie? Can't they find any other person
Why is this on the table (NSFW) (NSFL)
Why is this girl nake- wait, what? [NSFW]
Why is this even on here?
/r/canada [spam filtered] Just got this in the mail today. Why is this even legal
Why is this so hard to understand?
Brothers Why is this nigress risking her life for one of our own? I cannot understand
LOL Why is this link purple? Upvote to teh left!!!!
Why is this girl licking a chinchilla?
Why is this picture on your profile....
[META] I'm not complaining, but why is this not the header??
Runescape Why Is This Porn Advert In My Client????
Why is this a thing?
why is this place full of gay men?
why is this the top post on the subreddit?
Why is this dipshit shitposter allowed to spam NSFL shit in chat over and over ?
NSFL - Why is this an acceptable public post....
[NSFW] Why is this picture not number one when you google "Dickhead that ruined
Keep seeing NSFW ads like this.. Why is this an okay ad?
I have plans for suicide (slow and fast) and the constant desire to kill myself but
Scar is below most other scars. Almost in the middle. Why is this so?
(Ignore crazy dryness) the area surrounding my “pee hole” stings when touched
Why is this on the front page of osrs.... smh
As she turns 29 in November, she needs a vote of confidence to abandon her AF ways