Woman Woman Man

Degradation and maltreatment are forcing a woman to do this for a man she doesn't
[50/50] Man fucking a woman (NSFW) | Woman fucking a man (NSFW)
If she wants to be accepted by a true man, she has to be a true woman. And every
The woman's definition has 2 subdefinitions: the "inferior man subdefinition",
If a woman wants to convince a superior man, then she has to do it as an inferior
So, once we have established a working definition of woman according to this subreddit
[50/50] Woman hanging as a man fucks her (NSFW) | Woman hanging as a man holds her
So, if a woman prefers to be accepted by a Superior Man, then she has to be what
If a woman wants a REAL Man, then she wants a Superior Dominant Man. A woman is what
Every equality defender prefers being an inferior woman to a Superior Man, over being
Every woman wants a Superior Man in her life, in order to be an important and "superior"
feminism is utterly erratic: it defends gender-equality, but it defends female freedom
No real Superior Man would ever accept a woman who said she is superior to Him or
To every woman, being accepted by a superior Man as an inferior carnal being will
To an inferior man, this is a favor a woman does to a man, and an achievement that
So MD ladies the bad news is you have to choose: either being an inferior fuck-meat
Every artificial gender equality defender prefers to live as an inferior woman for
MD feminists: remember that if you want to be a superior Man's woman, then it is
Let's summarize our today's lesson: a woman (i.e, a real, superior Man woman) runs
The difference between a woman who is sexually enjoyed ("loved") by an
So we manage to arrive at an interesting conclusion: female pleasure is "male
From his personal experience, an inferior man sees a woman doing him a favor. From
... and she chooses what is best for her, in relation to her pussy. Every woman's
Every woman has to accept certain rules, if she needs to be accepted by a superior
An inferior woman's best option is to submit as such inferior woman to a superior
To every woman, being accepted by a superior Man as an inferior piece of fuckmeat
If a woman prefers to show of her inferior qualities, then that woman can only be
To every woman, being inferior fuckmeat for a superior Man is a better option than
female inferiority pursues a superior Man's superiority; so, when a woman tries to
So it's simple: a woman can only *need* and will only pursue a Man if He's superior
Give a real Man a magic wand and He will fuck every woman in the world. Give a real
A woman can only satisfy, serve and reciprocate a superior Man by means of the same
No matter how inferior and incapable a woman is: every woman has a body, and this
So yes: every woman's secret genetic goal is to be a inferior female for a superior
If a superior Man reckons a woman is superior, then He won't accept her, cause a
Yes: the end justifies the means too. So if a woman's end is a superior Man, then
So it's simple: a woman's only and real happiness is a superior Man; and so a woman's
So every woman is happier as an inferior woman for a superior Man than as a supposedly
One of the great things of female freedom is that if a woman is forced to submit
So every woman needs to do things to survive; but every woman does things that are
Since a superior Man needs no superior woman and only accepts inferior women, then
A man should not like this because he is inferior and he needs a superior woman to
Since a superior Man needs no superior woman and He only accepts inferior women,
female free-but-optimizing agency freedom-chooses its best options. An inferior woman
So when a superior Man accepts a woman in her inferiority, He is doing a great favor
The only superior woman is the one that already has a relationship with a superior
Every woman completely knows how to be a perfect woman, but only when it is for a
an inferior man can get a woman's body by way of force and rape; but an inferior
It's not in the superior Man's interest to receive the woman's inferior offerings,
So if an inferior man refuses to have a relationship with a woman bc she doesn't
So a woman trying to sexually impress a superior Man is actually a woman trying to
Man/woman fucking a severed pig head
Man's brain vs Woman's brain and understanding each other. NSFW.
"The desire of the man is for the woman, but the desire of the woman is for
[SDMU-552] A Woman's Orgasm Is 10x More Powerful Than A Man's! Total POV Footage
Man is actually woman.
I hear a man in a well-tailored suit to a woman is like a woman in lingerie to a