Black People

A girl's rant about black people singing country [NSFW language]
The 2nd place card was "black people"
Anon hates black people
[50/50][NSFW] Head run over by truck | Monkeys giving fruit to black people
I submitted this to black people twitter, they didnt like it very much
Top 10 things black people don't get!
MRW I'm a group of black people and someone does a magic trick
Translation: No black people allowed.
It doesn't seem to have accomplished much... black people can't even do bulimia right
Good to see that more black people than usual are getting Oscars this year.
Hotel owner pouring acid in the pool while black people swim in it, ca. 1964.
When you see loud and obnoxious black people in public
When you can't decide between making ice cream and insulting black people
Blonde mother met some black people on the beach