
Sharing a shower
Not even close to fitting
Long and shiny
Mixed race bondage dude
Long black meat
Close up from the bottom
Work attire
Mardi Gras
Cleaning up
Dick in hand
Save water, shower together
That ass
Nice brown cock
Can anyone help me?
Mornings can be hard
Ready to bust one
Getting dirty while getting clean— I'd love some help
Your ride is ready!
Waiting for your mouth...
Bow to the king
Been a couple days since I've cu[m] #25
Haven't posted in eons, Pm's welcome.
Getting ready for Xmas
We all know Mondays aren't great, so here's something to make it go by a little quicker.
Everybody loves black dick!
Woke up ready!
When I'm missing the missus
I[m] hurting to breed a beautiful woman #25
Allow [m]e to cum for you? #25
No one wanted to play with [m]e last night #25
Just a short gif
I need somebody to ride it. You up for it?
Can’t wait until it’s fully healed so I ca play with it.
He is kinda chubby
My offering
Pm if ya interested in some fun
rise and shine, need something to do now that i'm up
I couldn't keep this under my blanket for too long. Who wants to join me?
New here :3
Looking for a Rider
Waiting for a snowbunny to cream hard all over me. Who's volunteering as tribute?
Chocolate Bar
Something had me rock today
In the DMV. First of many ;)
Love being uncut
It doesnt always stay in my underwear
Reaching for the stars
Black & Shiny✨
Just relaxing.
Be honest, would this have you on your knees?
Before Gfycat purges all NSFW content, im preserving this gif. I hope you enjoy.
Can someone tell me his name? I think he posts on reddit
It may be soft now, but I'm pretty sure you can change that ?