I <3 U 2 Anons

Anon helps to take out that cam.
Anon has a plan
Anon wants to know how to cum without fapping.
Anon has a special fetish
Anon helps identify a pornstar
Anon gets his first blowjob
Anon fires a gun.
Anon tries to impress his crush. NSFW
Anon watches porn
Anon complains about GTA Online
Anon loses his grandfather (rip)
Anon gives advice on girls [NSFW]
Anon shares a feel with /tv/
Anon has his dream girlfriend
Anon accidentally faps to a picture of a dead girl.
Anon admires a dildo
Anon tries to photoshop a guy into an alpha male.
Anon wants to find some midgets
Anon masturbates to Casting videos
Anon gets dick twisted after using a fleshlight in a blender.
Anon his principle and the math teacher.
Anon choose 4chan over girls.
Anon had pancakes for lunch
Anon photoshops a girl topless
Anon is curious about sex
Anon uses craigslist.
Anon has a mannequin and a marker (NSFW)
Anon uses Facebook
Anon compares two different boards
Anons favorite band
Anon does not have the right equipment
Anon explains what it's like having a sister.
Anon wants to make quick money
Anon finds something.
Anon's weirdest fap
Anon develops himself
Anon likes Lady Gaga
Anon only has 20$
Anon has a roommate
Anon mods his 3DS
Anon wants pics of leotards
Anon wonders what the hospital fees for cock ring removal costs.
Anon has Never Done Fitness Before
Anon creates a loli kidnapping simulator to satisfy the market
Anon wonders about Burkini ban
Anon is impatient
Anon faps to his sister's nudes
Anon lets a NEET /jp/ boy live with him
Anon makes a sex doll of Chloƫ Grace Moretz
Anon has cold balls
Anon speaks the truth
Anon killed her lover
Anon has an eye for Mac users
Anon busts a myth