
Tameshigiri Master demonstrates how useless a katana could be without the proper
Well, you are not the only one
Lesser known dice
I bet he owns a katana though.
The Secret Life of Redditors
How to fix a dent in a car...
Efficient folding
New Years plans
This swims in the ocean underneath us...
This dinner prepares itself!
Gowron Eyes (the meme of the people)
Animators were to lazy to create different animations
To infinity and beyond!
The brightest smile
Meow in real life
The Right Tool for the Job
A street vendor selling action "fight scene" shots
They didn't appreciate the ask
Use this lad to avoid OT
Angery murder kitten!
The great cornholio spotted in the wild
f r i e n d s
Serial killer Ed Kemper was an absolutely terrifying unit at 6'9", 300 lbs (2m,
2 minutes of fun, 1 hour of suffering
Catberus, Hades’s pet
"move, mums home!"
Those eyes
An unfortunate reality.
MRW I visit IKEA for the first time
Some heavenly artwork.
best friends