
Trolling Chatroulette [nsfw]
Trolling: A primer.
Troll face =) [m][f]
Trolling with fashion. [NSFW]
Trolling on Facebook... [VERY NSFW]
Trolls and downvoters of gonewild. KISS [M]Y....
troll nosebleed [NSFW]
Troll science ad on porn site [NSFW]
Trolling Omegl [nsfw]
Trolling Emma Watson...
Trolling [NSFW]
Trolling with crayola :D
Trolling Girlfriend Bends the Rules. Problem?
Trolling Vegetarians [NSFW link]
Trolling Dog
Trolling Apple Customer Support [NSFW]
Troll level: Cat
Troll Kitten!
Troll Hunter CYOA
Troll Toll (by zero)
Trolling my buddy randy#3
Troll Pounding
Troll fertility statues my friend made to surprise our group