
My autistic brother drew this but is too shy to show anyone. What does Reddit think?
My autistic female friend thinks her art sucks. She painted this while getting Chemo
My autistic gay cousin left this after he stayed over, he draws these every time
Ladies and Gentleman the autistic kid from my highschool
My gay, autistic brother drew Elizebith. What does /r/Bioshock think?
While searching through my gay, autistic, atheist, fedora store-owning brother's
My friends autistic brother started drawing his own comic book - I present to you,
My dead gay autistic girlfriend gave me this retro device when she was drunk.
Upvote for supporting my autistic son to win the Hitler look-alike contest
Hey Guys! I was walking on the street and found this little guy! He has AIDS, is
You autistic retards thought I was serious? With regards to an earlier post that
[NSFW] /b/ normal autists
My autistic son was having zero fun with his shitbox one so me and my black girlfriend
Here's a picture of my gay, autistic grandmother when she was young and hot. Tell
My gay autistic jackdaw biologist grandpa just died today. He just wanted to say
Comcast (AKA Literally Hitler) just came to set up my autistic girlfriend's phone
My gay, autistic, kittens, dog's Ice Bucket Challenge
Was going through my tri-gendered homosexual blind deaf vegetative diabetic autistic
My gay autistic niece 3D printed this for atheist-con
[Trigger Warning] [Sale] [Pic] [Submission] [Religion] [Cancerous AIDS] I am an autistic
My [f]edora wearing, transgender, gay, autistic uncle who works for Nintendo recently
I'm autistic, I can say this (but feel free to say this to anyone who takes this
This is the last picture of my autistic, gay, slut of a brother. He died of gay ebola
This is a picture of my autistic, feminist, vegan, atheist, Islamic blind sister
[Trainer] (gif) My friend Tim thinks FNaF is autistic, even though I saw it on his
Found this. Thought you autists might enjoy.
23 [M4M] Autistic YouTuber... Please tell me I'm not the only Guy here who IS NOT
Soft autistic boy :) hi
My autistic conversation with Kimmy
looking for someone who wants to autistically rank groups of females and talk about
24 autistic and a virgin