
Horrific Sexual Accident (NSFW) [x-post from r/funny]
Feeling broody? Don't.
As if I needed another reminder... Saw this while randomly shuffling through IMGUR.
Newborn porn? (I'm serious it's actually porn)NSFW
The magic of Pregnancy. NSFW
(Warning: Fetus) What. The. Hell (x-post from r/WTF)
The look on her face... How could a mother ever be in the wrong?
OH GOD NO! (X-Post and mildly NSFW)
Baby Shower Cake (x-post from WTF)[NSFW]
This came from a silly comment I made a couple of days ago. I made it into a ridiculous
One of the most multifunctional miracles of nature, a mom.
Pregnancy pushes a mother's guts right up to her chest
This is the kind of gross bullshit that some parents pull that truly enrages me
This made me giggle, but I'm not sure if I should [xpost /r/trashy]
Daughter's first poop in the toilet? Better post it to Facebook. So proud!
Fresh pictures from the home birth. (Slightly nsfw)
I took a pic of my vas today when the nurse stepped out. NSFW
My friend found me the perfect painting. (maybe nsfw?)
A friend just posted this (Facebook). Ugh.
Mombie is ecstatic breastfeeding photos are now allowed on Facebook.
What motherhood is really like
Approval? That looks like death
I really don't want toddler smoothies [x-post r/Unexpected]
Trigger warning. This repulsiveness showed up on my FB feed.
[NSFL] Waiting for the diaper fairy, xpost from wtf
Are you actually fucking kidding me, you gross motherfucker
Babies, not even once.
Mombies did not like me telling them to pump at home. (NSFW breast pic)
Had to unfriend the woman that "liked" this post. WTF, Facebook?!
Not something I wanted to see while scrolling through Facebook.
[NSFW] I love peeing alone... Well besides stares from cats...
[NSFW] Sorry if this is a repost, but, uh, this is doing the rounds on my Facebook
One more reason not to have kids (x-post /r/WTF)
Parenting nsfw
Almost threw up in my mouth and then unfriended her. I really wish I could unsee
The Dark Side of Hickok45
On my Facebook. 'Tag someone who..' Another reminder i never want kids.
Mother Nature
Hold My Fries, gotta get baby shit on this table! (NSFW)
[Humor] "Have children", they said, "it's so beautiful and amazing"
Nature is beautiful
Wedding day jitters?
Yes, that would be truly horrifying
[NSFW] Thoroughly disgusted with what just popped up on my Facebook feed
So this is motherhood?