
Chuck Norris Elementary School
chuck dolanester
Chuck Norris, meet Dick Norris
Chuck Norris
Chuck norris | Justin bieber
Chuck Norris on Batman
Chuck! It's your cousin, (M)arvin Berry!
Chuck! It's your cousin, (M)arvin Berry!
Chuck Spears says: YouTube Understands.
Chuck Spears says: They told him he would get kebabs and 72 virgins.
Chuck Spears says: Peace Offerings Y'all!
Chuck Spears says: fact.
Chuck Spears says: Heil, mein Führer!
Chuck Spears says: Trayvon shooting some hoops
Chuck Spears says: His new profile pic.
Chuck Spears says: How the whole Zimmerman-Martin altercation would've went down
Chuck Spears says: Trayvon in 10 seconds.
Chuck Spears says: Nigga!
Chuck Spears says: That's not the only place where if you're "Blakk" then
Chuck Spears says: If this makes it by the mods, don't click, because honestly it's
Chuck Spears says: Real programmers know that Nuke is a verb
Chuck Spears says: How is this thing not black?
Chuck Spears says: Feminism
Chuck Spears says: No future single moms here.
Chuck Spears says: I see what you did there... LMAO!
Chuck Spears says: He's right; this rule applies to,well, all countries
Chuck Spears says: Inexperienced Firefighters
Chuck Spears says: Potato Phone
Chuck Spears says: That's racist!
Chuck Spears says: Omegle gold for the first time
Chuck Spears says: Read it with a German accent for max lols.
Chuck Spears says: Internet promotes second Holocaust!
Chuck Spears says: This stereotype appeared on my fb
Chuck Spears says: MRW George Zimmerman gets off as a free man.
Chuck Spears says: So the Zimmerman trial is underway.
Chuck Spears says: Jury duty...
Chuck Spears says: Mexican problems.
Chuck Spears says: This guy must be one of you
Chuck Spears says: Everytime I see that driving and texting commercial
Chuck Spears says: i thought this would fit in here
Chuck Spears says: So I was watching my local news and this came on...
Chuck Spears says: 1 in the pink, 2 in the stink. But why? ... and how?
Chuck Spears says: Fuck your witty title, this shit's funny.
Chuck Spears says: The last text my best friend sent before she died in a car crash.
Chuck Spears says: African American cuisine.
Chuck Spears says: And then there's Army Strong
Chuck Spears says: Kitty's have just the cutest little bellys
Chuck Spears says: Auchwitz Crossing
Chuck Spears says: Awesome rave in Cairo
Chuck Spears says: Rape
Chuck Spears says: I laughed at the end...
Chuck Spears says: How will I ever buy a boat with this kind of mortgage
Chuck Spears says: Hold on girl, I got a pube in my teeth
Chuck Spears says: So that's what grandpa was using to scratch his nuts all this
Chuck Spears says: Damn hipsters in LA