
Kryptonite is a helluva drug [FOREVER EVIL #1]
People were suprised with Iceman & Xorn. This is what I found most shocking.
Black Bolt, King of the Inhumans. [Infinity #3]
He better get a series now (Superior Spider-Man #19)
I really love this opening page of Batman Superman #5
Nick Fury's thoughts on S.H.I.EL.D's No Smoking Policy (From 2001's FURY #6)
detroit (Batgirl #29)
Damn Magneto, you scary (Magneto #1)
Possibly my favorite moment in the comic (Superior Spider-Man #31) [Spoilers?]
Ms. Marvel has big... (Ms. Marvel #4)
Surprised no ones talking about this pretty major development [Spoilers: Superior
Artist Steve Leiber shows the uncensored face of Doctor Doom from his tragically
Fuck me, that's terrifying (Batman #37: ENDGAME)
Booty like Oh My God (League of Extraordinary Gentleman 004)
I laughed so hard at this . Ant Man 1 (spoilers-not really)
How does the Ant-Man brush his teeth when the toothpaste runs out ? look no further-ant
(Spoiler) Sauron has the same dreams as a five year old [Spider-Man and the X-men
[Multiversity] Earth-32...More stories on these guys please!
Jonathan Hickman writes the best Doom. I wish the movie would be faithful to this...
[SPOILERS] It read like a standard threat the first time. Now, on a reread, it's
[TV:Arrow] First Look at Brandon Routh as The Atom
This book is Fucking Crazy, and I'm absolutely loving it. [East of West 09]
[Spoiler] The moral dilemma that is Spider-Ham. (SPIDER-GWEN #2)
Is that a Staryu pillow? [Silk #2]
Ultron Reveals What Makes Him Tick (Avengers: Rage Of Ultron)
NO (Infinity #3)
Maybe some of you won't remember, but my boyfriend finally finished his comic book
This looks like it came straight out of my nightmares [Godzilla in Hell #1]
There is no Eternity, there is only DOOM! {Silver Surfer #13}
Magneto rips Apocalypse a new one. [X-Men Omega] (Age of Apocalypse *spoilers*).
An unfortunate realization (Batman and Robin Eternal #3)
Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird...And another klutzier bird! (Spoilers bizarro #6)
All-New, All-Different Avengers #2 has this scene that makes me wonder can anyone
Spider-Man Body Paint (x-post /r/gifs)
[Spoilers][The Omega Men #2] This page always gets me.
[Spoilers] A full and significant life [Uncanny X-Force #18]
Spiderman/DeadPool. i find it silly,funny, and good chuckle.
Your son will not fail you (Robin son of Batman #9) [spoilers]
New costume (Batman #50) [spoilers]
Hellboy Asks for a Divorce [Hellboy in Hell #9]
"That's my boy." This panel gave me goosebumps. Moon Knight #2 [SPOILERS]
[SPOILERS] I feel this sums up yesterday's big reveals (Captain America: Steve Rogers/DC
[SPOILERS]A cool moment I enjoyed from [Uncanny Avengers #12]
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast is now canon. (Scooby-Doo Team-Up Chapter 40)
[Nova #2] Barely back to the land of the living and already with the banter.
(SPOILERS) [America #2] This comic is fucking terrible