Female Inferiority

Feminism is not about superiority or not submitting (this is masculinism); feminism
She's not inferior if she's inferior only to him. That's female wisdom.
So yes, a Superior Man's concept of women is clearly different from inferior men's
women are not against feminism; they're only against the part of feminism that won't
It's funny because gender equality defenders should rather complain about Superior
To every woman, being accepted by a superior Man as an inferior carnal being will
Only inferior men can think this is to mistreat and to offend women. But superior
feminism is right when it says women are not inferior: it is inferiority that makes
feminism wants the money from inferior men and the semen from superior Men. It requests
women love natural things. feminists only love artificial gender equality's artificiality
MD feminists, begging Him for your mistreatment and degradation, and showing Him
MD feminists, remember: amusing and physically pleasuring a superior Man is the greatest
In order to impress inferior men to get money, quotas and offices from them, feminists
Real women are inferior and so they prefer real superior Men, and they please those
So womyn need inferior men too because those are the only men womyn can play their
feminists clearly state that womyn DO NOT LIKE being beaten, mistreated, abused or
So let's clarify concepts, since the female brain can't: womyn don't dislike being
So feminism doesn't reject gender inequality either; feminism only rejects female
MD feminists: since your female gender is biologically inferior, then to admit your
So feminism makes perfect sense in the light of female gender's inferiority attempting
MD feminists: if you show off how inferior you are and how inferior your skills and
MD feminists: use feminism against inferior men, and use your female gender's inferiority
So, in the beginning, it was feminism. But, since feminism is a product of the female
So the reason why women don't submit to inferior men isn't that they hate inferior
No "superior woman" wants to interest inferior feminist men that think
The only, actual, genuine and secret aspiration of the inferior, narrow and primitive
/r/MD has stressed that an inferior woman's best option is a powerful superior Man.
Only the superiority of the superior Men wymyn need and choose makes female gender's
So, since inferior people need superior people, women only run their real inferiority
The feminist female superiority roleplay is not sexy to the superior Men the actual
Another inferiority positive feminist showing off her scientific abilities. Yes,
So this is the feminist gender equality. People suffering from female gender disability
feminism can be summarized as the female fight against inferior men that treat women
Remember that no female superiority defending feminist prefers inferior men. "Since
"Come on, is all this shit serious?", the inferior man asks. Yeah, this
So yes: not only do feminists admit their female gender's inferiority when this inferiority
No matter how inferior and incapable a woman is: every woman has a body, and this
So yes: every woman's secret genetic goal is to be a inferior female for a superior
So considering feminism is just a female method for getting rid of inferior men,
So MD feminists are finally realizing their female gender's inferiority, but their
What is less than a doormat or a urinal to a superior Man, is a haughty, superior
A real woman doesn't aspire to role-play those fantasy superior female abilities
So regardless of whether women are inferior and prefer superior Men or not, feminists
And logically the reason why women only beg superior Men, not inferior men, for mistreatment,
So yes, MD feminists: if you want to please one of those superior Men your female
There is no contradiction between women's preference for superior Men and women's
A superior Man doesn't need to pay for sex or force women into sex against women's
Even inferior men admit they should do the approaching only if they see indicators
So yes. inferior men would get shocked at the "indicators of interest"
So feminist subreddits out there describe the pretended, artificial, role-played
So, since female "superiority" is how good are women about and at their
But, logically, women will only offer and submit their "beauty", their
Yes: dresses and cosmetics have a sexual meaning. feminists wear their inferiority
an inferior man can get a woman's body by way of force and rape; but an inferior
So yes, inferior men pay superior Men the whores. Inferior men finance women their
Thanks to feminism female genetic stupidity is no longer stupidity, but freedom of
No misogyny is sexier than female misogyny. No misogyny is more beautiful than female
hypergamy is women's self-defense: "if we have 2 b treated as inferior, we'll