
So this is the big existential dilemma of feminists: if they choose the superior
She's not inferior if she's inferior only to him. That's female wisdom.
Poor feminists, to them it's so sad, hard and awful the act of behaving like inferior
When Men treated women like inferior beings forcibly and against women's will, feminism
So this is modern feminism's big problem: feminists have learnt that, as feminists,
Every equality defender prefers being an inferior woman to a Superior Man, over being
So yes; thanks to feminism, women have finally learned to accept their inferior status
So yes, freedom is the perfect disguise for female inferiority. feminism wasn't even
women are not against feminism; they're only against the part of feminism that won't
Honestly I like to see my posts cause bad subscribers to leave, cause I think some
To a superior Man women simply are these pathetic worthless human-like cumdumps.
feminism is right when it says women are not inferior: it is inferiority that makes
So yes: artificially-politically superior to inferior men, naturally inferior to
women love natural things. feminists only love artificial gender equality's artificiality
Real Men have real knowledge and a real concept of real women. You can't be a superior
The input: superior Man's cum. The output: feminism against inferior men and in favor
Since feminists prefer superior Men and they use feminism against the inferior men
women are currently running two different campaigns on the internet. One aims to
The truth of the assertion "women are inferior" is relative to context
In order to impress inferior men to get money, quotas and offices from them, feminists
So MD feminists you should be grateful to this subreddit, cuz thanks to the understanding
female "superiority"; she shows hers (because she knows superior Men only
female inferiority is not a female will or decision, and it's not a Male way of abusing
women like being natural, so superior Men treat them like the inferior fuck-meat
Superior Men want to protect womyn because womyn are inferior. womyn prefer and select
Superior Men only accept inferior women that need superior Men. So no superior woman,
I read by chance next Sunday it's international wymyn's day. inferior men will celebrate
MD feminists: since your female gender is biologically inferior, then to admit your
So wymyn aren't inferior, but they suffer from a Societal Stockholm Syndrome that
feminism: the belief that adult women are inferior and so their agency and consent
MD feminists: you are only cool according to how cool you are to the superior Men
Every woman wants to be considered a good, superior piece of inferior fuckmeat when
superior qualities are better, more important and superior to inferior qualities.
So yes; every woman is an actual piece of inferior fuckmeat, because every woman
In order to survive, a superior woman would not need to pretend she's inferior; but
All that dignity bullshit is just the excuse women use to not submit to inferior
Authentic and full female sexuality can only be well understood with reference to
To every woman, being inferior fuckmeat for a superior Man is a better option than
Paradoxically, keeping inferior men away and getting respect, reverence, money and
Not all women are like the ones shown here. We all know real life women aren't picky
feminists say women aren't inferior fuckmeat, which is a funny joke, since being
So women don't pretend they're inferior when being with a superior Man; they pretend
Whether this blog is fantasy or not is a conditional and relative matter. This blog
In order to be accepted by superior Men, women have to admit those Men's superiority,
feminism can be summarized as the female fight against inferior men that treat women
So women are only happy about the good, logical and reasonable use of their inferiority,
So real sex is women hurting, degrading, mistreating and destroying themselves to
The only way women can get accepted by superior Men is to self-degrade to worthless
When women tell inferior feminist men they don't like to be mistreated like inferior
The combination of women's inferiority and superior Men's superiority is the only
And logically the reason why women only beg superior Men, not inferior men, for mistreatment,
A superior Man doesn't need to pay for sex or force women into sex against women's
When you are so inferior that you can't offer anything authentically important in
In the third world women are treated like inferior fuckmeat against their will. In
The feminist mindset: "If I am expected to be treated like inferior fuckmeat,
So since it's the inferior one that needs the superior one and not inversely, then
The thing inferior men won't understand (given their very inferiority & inexperience)