
Amys got one hell of a rack
But first, let me take a selfie. #dontjudge
An Oldie but still good.
Probably shouldn't IG this...
Words with Friends competitor
"How do you delete?"
Facebook mom group
Camping indoors.
Just a little bit heavy
Sounds like he got burned...
Remembering war is Hell..brought to you by Resident Evil 7®
I just added this girl to facebook the other day. I already regret it.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.
no one wants to see your sickly feet
No polyps found!
How does one person even eat THAT MUCH popcorn?
Umm...hope it a joke
Facial Genital Warts
Hey, if you got off......
Sharing a screenshot of your pornhub feedback...on Facebook.
Thanks Facebook :-)
OP doesnt like his ex's new black boyfriend
She's not the one, two, or three
How do I get the stains out (X-post /r/ihavesex)
I’m not sure I can relate to this
Because everyone loves to know what your baby daddy is or isn't good at in bed.
Wanna smell it?
Does she kiss her mom with that mouth?
This Brothers Amazon Review
Thanks gram gram
Christmas Presents
This morning on FB smh
I have no words.
Just a mom on Instagram posting on an account her kids have been added to
Why just why
Good to know. Two for the price of one
I love Persian food!
That's rough buddy
A girl that goes to my high school posted this. I'm really worried about my generation.
There’s at least one TMI sex post per week in this local mom group I’m in
Happy early birthday
I wonder how many people actually responded to this ?
Ever wonder where ethical fur comes from?
Blood Bath