Superior Men

This is the real female "superiority". And real superior men only accept
The big dilemma of feminists is the superior men they need and prefer don't need
Feminist brain prefers superior men. (The ashes from a superior man's cig are worth
If women were genuinely equal to Superior Men, they would not need Superior Men.
feminism is not a war between women and men; it's a war between women and inferior
For simple logic, equality defenders can't be feminist to Superior Men. And Superior
No woman is too ugly or inferior for being accepted as a woman who acknowledges her
So on this blog we show what women really are and what women really mean to the Superior
Sorry feminism, but inferiority is feminine. It's infinitely more provoking, feminine
The world superior Men live in is radically different from the world inferior men
Yes, every academic feminist perfectly knows superior Men are a field of female self-application
Yes, inferior men invented feminism as a female struggle against superior Men (hence
feminism wants the money from inferior men and the semen from superior Men. It requests
feminists will use different parts of their body to interest different men. To interest
Because she's free, or because it suits her needs, or both, or none, who cares. She's
feminists want the abuse and the semen from superior Men, and the money, the quotas,
feminism can be well understood in terms of femaleness as a form of disability: it
feminism has managed to make inferior men believe women are superior. But the superior
MD feminists: no matter what are the rights and capabilities you claim in front of
So, MD feminists, to impress inferior men that will believe whatever you say, pretend
Real women are inferior and so they prefer real superior Men, and they please those
No superior Man-independent feminist wants superior Men to believe she's superior
feminists run their superior self-sufficient man-independent pretended role, until
Self-sufficient Man-independent feminists know well what the superior Men they need
Transcendental answers to transcendental questions: when will men take feminism seriously?
There's an easy way you can make feminists quit playing their pretended role of female
Patriarchy-fighter begging for oppression. Losing your freedom is great if you do
So yes, womyn love and enjoy being admired and chosen for their qualifiedness and
I read by chance next Sunday it's international wymyn's day. inferior men will celebrate
Since superior Men only accept inferior women, then assuming their own female inferiority
Another feminist showing off the superiority of her inferiority (namely, the superiority
Another feminist wanting to make sure we all know how superior and qualified is her
Modern consensual female-abuse based sex isn't mandatory for wymyn. wymyn are free
women want to be attractive to Men for their intellectual qualities. More exactly,
An inferior helpless being is only happy when it gets a strong superior partner that
Paradoxically, keeping inferior men away and getting respect, reverence, money and
Since due to her inferiority the woman is powerless, she has to look for power in
Only the superiority of the superior Men wymyn need and choose makes female gender's
So, given that female inferiority is naturally, specifically and logically meant
women's life can be summarized in two basic activities: 1ยบ) fleeing from inferior
The feminist female superiority roleplay is not sexy to the superior Men the actual
feminists think reddit is misogynistic. No; *feminists* are misogynistic. feminists
So, due to female inferiority, women *NEED* Men, not the other way around; but women
feminism can be summarized as the female fight against inferior men that treat women
female inferiority is for superior Men, but a woman isn't under any obligation to
The superior Men female inferiority prefers don't need superior women and they only
MD feminists: remember you're just garbage. And since superior Men don't need superior
Due to their gender's inferiority, women are only good at being stupid. This is why
So women have to attempt to qualify, and they do, by showing, showing off and proving
women know their inferiority is real, but they only go real for real, superior Men.
feminism only has one enemy: inferior men. feminism only fights one type of man:
I know many women, despite preferring superior Men, aren't familiar with the female
Due 2 their inferiority the only pleasure women can offer is their pain 2 prove they
Inferior men mistreat women against women's will because they can't get what superior
The premise that the Male role is to act is a nice and chivalrous theory. The point
female "superiority" and "beauty" consist in how good and "superior"
So women only strive for superior Men because only a relationship with a superior
MD feminists: embrace your inferiority. Gender "inferiority/superiority"
women are inferior & worthless, but since female inferiority logically pursues