
Cooking a medley for /b/tards [NSFW language]
Some of the more interesting PECs (pictures that non-verbal tards communicate with)
becuz u a tarded
Bikini jailbait tard
meet Tard my favorite cat on the internet, now with a Xmas hat i made
a /b/tard's take on "Hey guys....did you know...." tumblr meme
The tard is strong in this one
/b/ tard gets double trips posting in a you fap you lose thread (gif in comments)
/b/tard getting deepthroated by his gf for valentines
/b/tard wants his wife rating
/b/tard and some wincest
/b/tards don't like fat girls
/b/tard gets quads with Robin Williams
/b/ photoshops a /b/tard in a tardis
/b/tard tells his circumcision story
Another day in the world of a /b/tard
Baby Tard
Bulgarian tard
b/tard is Captain Falcon.
A sub I've been training. Was teaching her humiliation so don't kill me as I had
re: tard
/pol/tard attempts to be sensitive after election results/
Certified tard guard.
Buenas tardes
Buenas tardes
Hehe checkmate, Trump tards!
Mas vale tarde que nunca
AHS tards get out of here
Buenas.... tardes! | Good afternoon! (33M)| Welcome PM´s
Everyone starts claiming “old school” when it suits them. Single mommy to 2 b-tards
Am i too late (f)or Titty Tuesday? / No es muy tarde para mostrar esto?
To the brave tards still holding GME
Boa tarde bebs . momentgirl momentgirl momentgirl . com
Boa tarde Jardim Ângela.
Aquela pitada básica numa tarde boa antes de entrar pra assistir o jogo do Rayo
Otro día aya en la tarde s?na?p=clewflite?
BUCK BREAKING broke me and turned me into a SISSY BUCK in heat... ? Gooning myself
this lil ? says, buenas tardes guapooo