
Yep. That's totally how abortion works.
In the shadow of the Arc de Triomphe, two soldiers of the 2nd French Armoured Division
/b/ responds to the anti-abortion debate
"...just gonna ask if you can have my abortion." slightly nsfw, i think.
[50/50] Late Aborted fetus (NSFW/L) | Teriyaki Chicken (SFW)
Plan to take pics of cream pie aborted... This feels way too good. Lips..
this was in my Twitter timeline. Gold. She had 4 abortions.
If one of you failed abortions doesn't fess up to this, your weekend libo is secured!
Call that the 4th trimester abortion
At what point does it become a late term abortion?
Radical new abortion technique
Looking at this the pro-lifers cause a much bigger threat than immigrants. Call for
So, if this baby dolphin was aborted would liberals freak? Not being mean, just checking
Not Enough Abortions
Pregnant, married, and an abortion?
When your dad says he's not paying for an abortion
Improvised abortion
That face when you wish you were aborted
How REAL men combat abortion.
You’re a failed abortion whose birth certificate is an apology from the prophylactics