
[m] The filter and shadows of the boxers makes it look like an erotic renaissance
hang time
Body paths - Self portrait
Human form
Playing with lighting [M]
Contemplating, Pt. 2 (Self-portrait)
Vacant of your Color
Into the Void
Stairway to Heaven
autorretrato em pintura de luz (light painting self portrait)
colagem de autorretratos em pintura de luz (light painting self portraits collage)
Hip huggers and stilettos [OC]
Forms of freedom [OC]
Seated contemplation one [OC]
Italian Ass... Do wanna taste it?
Well-Preserved (filter fun)
First post here-hopefully plenty more to follow [OC]
Something in the shadows
Me naked in the woods
Me naked in nature
Bound by lights
Early bird gets the beach to himself