Funny Thing

Okay, so... how do people come up with shit like this? I mean, I'm cool with it and
Venn diagram of things men like (nsfw)
First thing I thought when I read Oglaf today [NSFW]
Easily the most distracting thing about the CatBlock prank.
The only thing ever in my newsfeed that made me feel sad while laughing
Two of Reddit's favorite things.
Oh god, please let this become a thing! (nsfw)
We just bought a new flat and, let's just say, our previous tenant did not pack all
Ran a google image search for "hot." One of these things is not like the
Out of all the things it could choose, chrome chose these.
For George and Laura a lot has changed in 4 years. Things are more... relaxed (NSFW)
The dong way to do things
Poor thing....she's exhausted
No Shake Weight? Try the next best thing!
Internet dating - the most private thing I'm willing to admit
My response when a friend asked to take down a photo after he did the same thing
I was looking online to see if fart kontrol was really a thing in Denmark (apparently,
This is why we can't have nice things
First thing I thought when I found out about r/peeling
Top tip: When selling your recently deceased mother's items, do a little research
This was seriously a thing in my residence hall at my university. Slightly NSFW
Since when was this a thing?.. not that I'll be complaining next Sunday or anything
So apparently dino-erotica is a thing.
Coz drawing dicks is the mature thing [NSFW]
[NSFW] The things people photoshop....
My mom just sent me this, funniest thing from here.
One of these things is not like the others
When things are tough
One of these things is not like the others
Sigh... The things I put up with... [NSFW]
When pregnancy prevents you from taking shots, you start to feel a little left out
My friend is REALLY onto the whole "new mom" thing. Not sure everyone else
Looked up sexy lingerie for men on eBay and this was the first thing to pop up....
Apparently this is a thing too
I found this among my mom's things. She says she doesn't know where it came from.
My boyfriends wonderful drawing...on my back. Good thing it's washable NSFW
Got this in the mail today. Giving to a friend who likes to draw... things.
This is on the wall of my bikini waxer's room. It's the only thing distracting me
The best thing about Uber at the Calgary Stampede? The Rides are Free...... nsfw
Probably the last thing I'd want written on a condom NSFW
Guess this isn't the only thing that's rock hard...
One of these things is not like the other (NSFW?)
When ya girl wants to spice things up..
The things you see on pornhub NSFW
I didn't know this, could be a thing.
(NSFW) A friend of mine is new to the whole babysitting thing...
One thing doesn't belong... [NSFW]
When you maybe should've taken another spin, but you're so used to forcing things...
NSFW Sometimes things aren't always as they seem.
My friend recently got a job at a porn distributer, he sends this pic to stating
If I you cold wish for one thing...
Rich white guy shows his big thing (NSFW)
When your girl’s two most favorite things are beer and...
[NSFW] I got to watch my roomates Chihuahua. She wanted to see how things were going.
What is that, a demogorgon mask? Hey, that's Stranger Things, not Minecraft!
Received the most random text I've gotten in a long while today from a dude I dont