Day Drinking

Havin a drink a[f]ter a tough day at work ... My first post, requests are welcome!
7 days until I'm 21. Who wants to go out for a drink next week?
out drinking 'cause it's my irl cake day! so here's a quick drunk [f]lash! :D
Hobo given Gatorade on hot day | Hobo drinking own urine
Had a [f]ew too many drinks and this is how I woke up the next day hehe it was a
Had a shit day... At least I can drink. Should I move the bottle ladies?;)
Enjoying an ice cold drink on a hot day
I get so wet waiting all day for my BF, that I often like to save my grool in this
The season when you don't shave, drink plenty of whiskey, and mess around with power
Hotel for the next few days. Should I get dressed for a drink?
My god I'd drink that for days
Morning after drinking, hungover and naked sounds like my whole day! [f]
Swimming and drinking all day at the lake just feels right
A[f]ter a couple drinks at the Labor Day barbecue
Vacation [M]eans I can drink all day, right?
A long day deserves a drink out of my favorite House's cup
Horrible Day, time for Drinks in the Tub :(
Make sure to come back every day to drink up my cum..~
You can't drink all day unless you start in the morning, right?!?
Can't drink all day unless you start in the morning, right??
I woke up with an awful hangover because I sneakily had two extra drinks when daddy
Throwback to river days, wife on the left in pasties. She gets loose when drinking.
A bath and a drink are the perfect way to end the day
***Kinds NSFW*** Before (drinking a bottle of vodka a day) After Kratom. All vitals
I’ve been drinking (f)or the past 6 hours. It was a good day.
Some days you need God; others, just a goddamned drink
Cold drink on a hot day
i was in full-slut mode yesterday after a long day of drinking and partying ? look
Warm Drink on a Warm Day
Work? I'd rather drink hot chocolate in bed all day, thanks.
? Today I'm 10,000 days old. Any reason (f)or a drink ...
Take me out [f]or a drink after a long day? nyc
In honour of World Whiskey Day, care to have a drink with me? [f]
27 days. Time to try cutting out drinking, pun intended.
Cool Drink of Water On a Hot Day
Stressful day anyone need a drink?
Sharing a drink after a long day at work
Good morning, friends! I hope y'all have a charming day. LPT: fill a glass of water
You had told your best friend about your troubles with making your gf cum, over drinks
It’s an energy drink kind of day!
Remember to drink lots of water on hot days like today! [18F]
cooling down during hot days. i know i spill beer but that was the only drink in
My cocksleeve drinking water from a bowl in the bathroom, like a dog. Embracing her
It was 2:00 pm. A group of guys at the gay bar started buying the ‘straight’
Cool drink on a hot day