
[SPOILER] A certain someone shows up in Batman #19.
Best page out of this weeks issues (Flash Annual Spoilers)
Next month can't come soon enough.
After seeing the JL#24 cover could not help myself.
My favourite panel in Injustice -SPOILERS-
Just a screenshot of one of many amazing panels in Batman #24 (from r/Batman)
Easily the best page of the week for me (JLA #9)
Next Week on Arrow: "Do You Prefer Steel or Lead?"
Dr. Fate isn't a bad stage name...
[SPOILER] This made me so sad in Final Crisis
Captain Cold's voice trigger for his Cold-Gun (Forever Evil 6 SPOILERS)
Anyone else noticing Tim getting a bit more love in comics?
Another screenshot from the Flash pilot.
Probably a repost but still one of my favorite moments from New 52 Justice League
[Injustice Year 2 #18] You tell him, Selina!
Batman know's what's up [Batman & Superman #12]
Behold the power of the mighty Doc Fate!!! (The Multiversity: The Society of Super-Heroes:
[Injustice Year 3 #1] This was unexpected.
The only real answer to "Who wins in a fight?" [Batman #36]
Batman: Senpai noticed me! [Superman Unchained #6]
(Massive spoiler from Batman #37 Endgame: Part 3) Who else felt an actual chill go
Superman's Symbol...[Injustice: Year Three #14]
Close enough [Justice League: Throne of Atlantis(film) and Justice League #4]
HE'S BACK! [Justice League #39]
Can Joker's next trick really be his best? Here's a few of his more recent tricks.
Powerless? [Superman #39]
[Spoilers] Yes Batman, it really is. [Batman Vol 2 #41]
Arsenal giving me the feels. He misses his friends. [Red Hood/Arsenal #1]
Have to admit, it'd be pretty cool to visit a Planet Krypton.. [Kingdom Come #1]
Batgirl's awesome reaction shots. Spoiler and Spoilers. [Batgirl Annual #3][Spoilers].
I could learn to like this new Lobo [Lobo Annual #1]
Cyborg Spittin dat Supa Hot Fire [Cyborg #2]
Yes, Mother... (Batman & Robin Eternal 1 spoilers!)
Morrison's Batman says the coolest shit (Batman #666)
Superman is an unknown quantity. (Grayson Annual 2)
I have a feeling Geoff Johns named them 'The Others' just so he could have Black
Eventually, you lose track of your murders [Green Arrow #50]
[Gotham Academy #17] Dat DKR reference tho
Pics of the Wonder Woman set in Italy.
The Dick Knight Returns (Grayson #19)
Batman celebrates Alfred's birthday [Injustice Year 5 #23]
A nice parallel from Knightmare scene in BvS in Injustice Year 5 finale.
In anticipation for Nightwing: Rebirth, here's my favorite Dick moment of all time
[Flash #3 Spoilers] Godspeed.
This instantly became one of my favorite comic book pages ever. [Wonder Woman #3
Just rub it in, Damian, why don't you (Teen Titans 2016 #1)
Phrasing! [Robin #16, 1995]
Mann after Mazzucchelli [Trinity 3 cover Gif]
Did You Ever Wonder How Green Arrow Came to Be? [Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye
[Batman #14] Batman got his priorities straight
[Spoilers for New-Superman #8] DC was not kidding when they said they were going
I can't help but feel like someone is missing... (Batman #18)
Some things are too powerful to reboot. (Green Arrow #18)
An old love affair (Deathstroke Annual #1)