Funny Post

"Oh, thats so cute!" - "No its not, look closer" (Possibly NSFW)
Jedi Mind Tricks (x-post from nsfw)[nsfw]
Opening a NSFW post in /new...
It's all downhill from here. (My 1st post)
Told her if she put this shit of facebook I'd post it on reddit.
Saw this out of the corner of my eye at Old Navy yesterday. (x/post from r/wtf) (slightly
Saw this post on GW and had to do this [NSFW]
ex-post of /r/WTF (Oh baby, its a wild world), this needs to be seen!
just George Takai on facebook, (should probably post to spacedicks)
So I searched "Face Swap" on Google Images. [NSFW] (x-post from r/WTF)
/b/ hits a milestone... 400,000,000 posts
A picture of Mila Kunis posted by the That 70's Show facebook page. Am I the only
friend posted this on facebook....when you see it
Whenever I accidentally click a NSFW Gore/Death post
My RES put these three posts together pretty accurately! NSFW
My reddit posts...
Best Halloween costume I've seen so far! (maybe nsfw) [x-post from r/pics]
He makes bouncing out of your pants look so simple. [x-post r/wtf]
I always thought the FB posts were fake until I finally came across one on my own
Lesbian alternatives to "cockblock" (cross post from r/actuallesbians)
My friend posted this pic while on her honey moon. [FIXED]
[M]y first post. Please be gentle! [NSFW]
This came into my Facebook news feed... (x-post r/WTF)
This is how I feel anytime I click on a NSFW post that isn't tagged because of nudity.
Some kid posted this on Facebook. NSFW
For my first post I give you The A - Team, 24 Hour Drain Cleaning
Girlfriend sent me this, x-post from Chinese FB. I got a good laugh, thought I'd
When r/wtf post pops up on my frontpage (NSFW)
(NSFW) My cousin is working on the house his great grandparents lived in before they
Dude showing off his little pistol on OKCupid. (x-post with /r/CringePics)
Whenever I see a NSFW post at work and it's text only
5 years on Reddit, and I've never posted something on my cakeday. So here, have a
found on FB. Had to post here
I use hover zoom on chrome, and this is what came up when I tried to look at a post
Waiting for the bus in Denmark (x-post r/Denmark) (NSFW)
This is me post-surgery last summer.
Party party lets all get wasted. Not me a friend of mine posted this picture on fb.
My room mates and I all work in healthcare. One of my roomies posted this on the
How does a movie extra get away with this? (x-post from /r/extrawoods)
Start cartoon of German satire magazine Titanic, posted in light of events in Paris
Huffington Post - You Knew what you were doing!
I have nothing to post on my first cake day so... Laser tits. (nsfw)
My Grandma posted this on Facebook. I mean, it DID look like a monkey in her defense...
Profile pics [x-post from /r/trashy]
I have a friend that drank too much tequila a couple years ago. A mutual friend took
This is why you cannot post pictures of yourself on the internet.
When comments missmatch match the post
Me after seeing the Different Types of Vagina post (NSFW)
Local baseball team posted pictures from their pool party
My friend posted this today. Her dog got into a bag of glitter yesterday
My boss just accidentally posted this in our work group chat (NSFW)
This was just posted on a Buy and Sell page in my area.. Great gift for the family
People keep asking me to post nudes. Happy now perverts?
When I click on a NSFW post at work