Gore Warning

I NEED a backstory behind this. (NSFW/NSFL - disturbing gore, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED)
NSFW: Gore for Facebook Likes

Warning: Massive Facepalm ahead
5 dogs tearing a mans arm apart. [NSFW] Warning: gore
Is there any way to recycle her? WARNING NSFW [GORE]
Very graphic photo taken in aftermath of Boston Marathon explosion. Warning: gore
OMG I just saw 2 people killed in a car wreck, huge 10-car pileup on the Dan Ryan,
I'm basically Wolverine now. Warning [GORE]
Another example of bench brutality! Warning NSFL/GORE
So we're posting presidents now? (warning: Gore)
Check out this guy's thumb! [WARNING - GORE!]
The Death of a Yeard - WARNING: Gore
Did some moulage for a friends first responder class. [Warning: Gore] meant to replicate
Hyena's tooth pick, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania [warning: slight gore / NSFL]
Six years till Portugese D-Day, and I gotta plan it. TRIGGER WARNING: Border Gore
DON'T BUY HARTZ FLEA COLLARS! Woke up today to find my cat like this. Save yourself
one of the most horrid pictures of the nazi regime. (trigger warning) (nsfw) (gore)
In 2009 I was in my apartment in nyc when I heard this horrible screeching. An American
While we're talking about birds of prey in cities... (Warning: bird gore)
[GTM] Quickest Way To A Man's Heart (Warning: Gore)
Me from last Halloween. Warning: Faux gore
Anyone want to take a crack at my colorful rugby after math photo. Warning gore
Hey would any of you talented people like to draw me and my frankenstein monster
mfw there's gore posted on r/vegancirclejerk (warning nsfl nsfw)
[NSFW] WARNING: GORE - The sidewalk has been power washed.
Animal attack cake (warning, gore)
My dads eye removal surgery and prosthetic process [Mild Gore and Eyeball Warning]