
I found cock and balls while playing Pokemon Go
pokemon Pikachu there tooo....!!
Duo Three some
Official statement from Niantic on issues with customer service.
You can do it!
Well thanks.... Want to try it on for size?
Wow Spark... That hurt
[NSFW] Thanks, I guess?
Exceptional and fascinating.
Went to check my dratini and was hit once again with the harsh reality.
[NSFW] Why yes, yes it is. Thank you for noticing Candela.
[NSFW] As requested...
Not subtle at all are you Sparky?
Blanche, you make me blush
Thanks for the honesty...NSFW
[NSFW]No single meathead to contain the shitposts? POST ALL THE THINGS!!!111
You don't have to remind me Spark...
New bug, 2 ekans on screen but I can only capture the right danger noodle. [NSFW]
B- Blanche senpai... W-where are you looking...
Aww man :(
What the update means to my friends
I mean.. ok...
Pokemon go in my hometowm
How did he know
Size doesn't matter!
The new update allows for childish humour. Even if it's wildly inaccurate.
Finally got the appraisal update
Anything ?? ( Nsfw )
She's got a way with words
My recent appraisal
This poped up on my newsfeed the other day
Gee, thanks.
NSFW: Scottish people are really taking to the new appraisal system.
I can't be the only one who thought to do this, right? (Mild-NSFW)
My cousin sent me this screenshot after the update
I am starting to really enjoy this update ;) [nsfw?]
New appraise system makes my name choice even better.. (Possibly nsfw)
I'm a complete child
The Grass-types need some love too.
That's ice cold, Blanche.
Oh, what's this? Appraisal? Interesti... Oh, thanks.
These appraisals are starting to hit a little too close to home..
I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious between the Mystic leader
Oh sweet a pikachu
That's harsh, Blanche!
My friend's penis