Pop It

I had a lump in my armpit...so I squeezed it. (x-post from wrf)
Let me at it!! [NSFW - Sideboob]
I have a bump on my areola (which is bumpy as is) that fills with stuff and can be
Hey reddit. I've had this thing on my balls for the past 2 months. What is it?
They thought it was a marble size abscess,  they found grapefruit sized one.
Too bad it isn't a video :( (x-post from r/WTF)
Trying to convince my boyfriend to get this checked out ASAP. Think it's staph?
She wouldn't let me get at it!!!!!!! [Nsfw]
What is this, and what can I do about it? Are those Cysts? Thankful for any help!
Scar from stitches has a mild infection under it. NSFW
you guys are the experts so i post it here and ask what is that on my anus, cyst?
So I just noticed this fat bump on my pussy after I shaved. Debating going to the
Any ideas what this is? blister or something else; it's right on a huge stretch mark.
Had surgery yesterday for an infection on the back of my neck. Scar tissue wouldn't
Wtf is this thing? How do I get rid of it?
What is this thing on my butthole?! Can I kill it with fire? (NSFW) Warning: Hairy
NSFW, booty cheek. Nothing comes out, is it ready yet?
NSFW found this on my labia. Currently 8 months pregnant and needed 2 mirrors and
[pop] [vid] Taste my incredible juices all over a sweet lolly pop with a video of
I thought it was just that one little hair...
NSFW this is what came from that red mark to the left of the blob. Didn't expect
[pop] [snp] [kik] just did my first pop order & loved it ;)
Saw This on Fig1... anybody else want to see the cyst cut open? Also, how bad do
What is this, why is it on my lady parts, and should I schedule an appointment with
Wtf is this? Been behind my knee for a few days. I don't think it's an ingrown. Itches
This glory was hidden in my bra all day. Wasn't there when I put it on this morning.
Help... It's in the pubic area.. What should I do?
16 year old sisters pilodinal cyst. Surgery tomorrow. Wish i was there to see it!
Had an ingrown nail for almost a year now. Hopefully getting it sorted next month.
[NSFW] Help on how to drain this? It hurts like hell.
[NSFW{L}?] A while back I posted my fingernail after it got fucked. Here's an update!
(NSFW) Found this goldmine on husbands nether regions. Unfortunately he wouldn't
It goes pop pop pop in your mouth!
I managed to pull the whole sac out of the cebaceous cyst on my man bits. It had
I had no idea where else to post this, but what could this rash be? It's on the anal
[NSFW] Woke up to this very painful bump on my inner thight. Anyone know what it
NSFW Reddit how??? I felt it mid toilet session..
NSFW - YEAH going to the dr tomorrow. A cyst(?) Is blue near the boothole. It. Fucking.
I named it Big Bertha.
I figured it was time for an update! Link to origin post and update in comments.
"Pop! Pop! Jizz! Jizz! Oh, what a relief it is!"
An ant got into my bra yesterday. It left me a gift.
This is from a horror manga called "Glyceride". Thought it might be of
[NSFW] I've been walking all over town with this, It hurts so bad.
[NSFW] I get these every couple of months and it hurts to close my legs.
Smashed my toe moving my dogs crate. Should I peel it? Possibly nsfw (bloody smashed
This rapidly grew, any idea on what it could be?
It may seem a bit hard to make it gape, but I swear it's worth it ? or you might
I'd love to keep poking this with a needle, but I have an ENT appointment for it