This Happened

This happened to me today [true story]
This happens every time I come home
This happens everynight... I blame kittens
This happened at my university today...
This happened on IRC today.
This happened last summer but I still hate his brother for it
This happened the first time I played Sports Champion.
This happens pretty much every morning
This happens in every pubic hair on earth.
This happened. Possible [NSFW]
This happened to me today while taking my lunch break.
This happens a few days after I shave my pubes. I have no idea if its normal and
This happens every time I play a FPS.
This happens way too much...
This happened while on a cam website.
This happened today as I was browsin.. haha
This happens every time I switch to Grindr, no matter how many apps I have used since
This happened after not cutting my self at work for maybe 3 years. (Blood)
This happens all the time to me
This happened at work today.....
This happened to a girl in my town today riding a 4-wheeler. Mark barbed wire!
This happened on a DvZ the other day, quite a throwback. Possibly NSFW
This happens too often..
This happened to my friend a couple of years ago. More photos in comments. Nsfw/nsfl
This happens : The struggle is real!!
This happened today in Kenya.
This happens everyday. Is no one else suspicious, given recent history? [NSFW]
This happens to us attack helicopters all the time. Or is that just me?
This happens when I get wet, do you want to lick it off??
this happened after several dozen orgasms hehe
This happens constantly